Managing morning sickness

Nausea and vomiting are so common during the first few months of pregnancy, they even gave it a name — morning sickness. But don’t let the name fool you — it can happen anytime, or all the time. It’s not the most fun part of being pregnant, but it is a normal thing that happens as your body adjusts to so many hormonal changes.
The good news? Morning sickness usually goes away after the first 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. Until then, try these natural ways to reduce your symptoms:
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
- Sip small amounts of water, juice, or herbal tea throughout the day.
- Eat fruits with high water content, like melons, oranges, and grapefruit.
- Try popsicles to get more fluids.
Eat small, frequent meals
- Aim for 5 or 6 small, healthy meals each day.
- Find foods that work for you. Many women find it easier to keep down certain types of food.
- Avoid eating greasy, fried, or highly seasoned foods.
Get some air
- Keep a window open and get plenty of fresh air.
- Use an exhaust fan when you cook. Food odors can trigger nausea.
- Smell something nice. Keep an orange or a sprig of fresh rosemary with you for when you can’t open a window or walk away.
More tips to try
- Drink ginger tea or take ginger tablets. Ginger fights nausea naturally.
- Try an anti-nausea wristband. Many moms-to-be swear by them.
- Try taking your prenatal vitamins at night before going to bed instead of in the morning. They can trigger morning sickness, or make it worse.