Enroll your newborn

Newborn paperwork
Having a newborn means lots of paperwork — but we'll guide you through it. Before you leave the hospital, we’ll help you:
- Request a birth certificate and Social Security number for your baby.
- Register your baby’s name. If you don’t have a name for your baby at that time, you can complete a special form later on at your county's department of vital records.
- Review and sign consent forms for newborn vaccinations and other common newborn tests and treatments
- Enroll your child in your plan within the first 30 days* of birth to ensure that your child is covered on your plan. For the latest forms, click here.
Follow-up appointments
When it’s time to leave the hospital, we’ll go over important information about taking care of your newborn. We’ll schedule a doctor visit for your baby within the first few days and a postpartum visit for you in 4 to 6 weeks. We’ll also talk about getting breastfeeding support from one of our lactation consultants.
Welcoming our newest Kaiser Permanente member
We’ll give your little one a Kaiser Permanente Health/Medical Record number at the hospital. To keep their health coverage, enroll your baby within 30 days* of birth. If you’re currently enrolled in an employer’s group plan and want to add your newborn to this plan, please contact your employer or group administrator and complete enrollment within 30 days.* We look forward to helping your baby stay healthy for many years to come.
*California members can keep their babies’ health coverage if they enroll them within 31 days of birth.
Ready to get maternity care?
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Northern California members:
Visit Your Pregnancy to sign up for prenatal classes, get weekly emails, view and prepare for appointments, and more.
Learn about CenteringPregnancy®, a unique prenatal care program that includes group support with other new moms.