Cancer recovery and survivorship

Being one of the 18 million Americans who’ve survived cancer is a major milestone.1 But your care journey isn’t over when treatment ends. It still requires careful planning, attention, and support. And staying healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally is vital to your recovery. At Kaiser Permanente, we’re committed to caring for all that is you at every step.

Breast cancer during pregnancy: Caring for mom and baby

Maria Cobos was a few months into her pregnancy when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was scared, but a team of specialists began building a plan to treat her cancer while keeping her baby safe. Thanks to their coordinated efforts, Cobos gave birth to a healthy baby and continued her treatment and recovery postpartum. Hear how our team of specialists helped her through it.


Support services for survivors and caregivers

Person sitting by window drinking beverage

Recovery plan: After cancer treatment

Navigating your own recovery journey takes planning and plenty of self-care. The same is true of caring for a loved one. Here are some tools and tips to help you get back to good health after cancer treatment.

Group of people smiling

Survivorship tools: Life after cancer

Explore the many ways your care team supports the healing of your body, mind, and spirit after cancer. 

Parent and adult child holding hands

Guidance for caregivers: A resource guide

Check out our tools and tips to help you care for a loved one who’s fighting or recovering from cancer.


Two doctors talking


Browse cancer recovery advice 

As a Kaiser Permanente member, you can choose from many cancer support services. See our library of recovery information for specific types of cancer.

Common cancer types



Recovery plan: After cancer treatment

Recovering after cancer treatment can be both physically and emotionally difficult. It may take longer than you want. But it’s important to give yourself the time and space to heal. Your care team will help make your recovery plan as easy to follow as possible. And they’ll be with you at every step. You can easily connect by phone, by email, and in follow-up appointments throughout your recovery.

Here’s some information to help you know what to expect as you recover from cancer treatment. 


Survivorship tools: Life after cancer

Your life may change in many ways after a cancer diagnosis and treatment. That’s why our cancer survivorship services go beyond the oncology department. Explore the many ways your care team supports the ongoing healing of your body, mind, and spirit.


Guidance for caregivers: A resource guide

Caregiving can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. But it involves some challenges. Here are some resources to help you give your best to someone you love while also taking care of yourself.

Person wearing earbuds outside

Get the mental and emotional support you need

Going through cancer treatment can be both physically and emotionally difficult. You may feel anxious or depressed or have trouble sleeping or eating. It’s important to find the care you need. Before, during, and after treatment, you and your family can:

  • Talk about how you’re feeling, what’s working, and whether you feel supported and understood
  • Attend individual or group sessions with a mental health counselor
  • Access self-care apps and more 24/7 tools to support your emotional wellness




Find health classes and support groups near you

Connection can be crucial during this tough time. With support groups and wellness classes, you can:

  • Exchange information, experiences, and encouragement with people in similar situations
  • Interact in a safe, confidential, and supportive environment
  • Learn helpful coping techniques and health tips from a team of professionals
  • Attend wellness classes in person, by phone, or online2


Person laughing on phone with laptop



1Cancer Treatment & Survivorship Facts & Figures 2022–2024, American Cancer Society, 2022.

2Classes vary by location. Some members may have to pay a fee for certain classes.

Connecting to care

Call us 24/7 and talk with a licensed care clinician about your questions or concerns. Find your local phone number below. 

Phone icon

Call 24/7 for advice

If you need help choosing the care that’s right for you, give us a call.


Envelope icon

Message your care team

Prefer to write? Message your care team anytime with medical questions.


Calendar icon

Schedule an appointment

Schedule in-person check-ups, phone or video visits, and other appointments.