Breastfeeding for working parents

If you can, take at least 4 to 6 weeks off to establish a breastfeeding routine. When you go back to work, using a breast pump lets you continue breastfeeding for as long as you want.
Make a plan and share it with your employer:
- Locate a private place where you can pump or breastfeed.
- Know how and where you'll store your breast milk.
- Plan how frequently you'll need to pump.
Prepare yourself:
- Practice pumping before you go back to work. It can take time to get the hang of it.
- Most breastfeeding parents need to pump for 10 to 20 minutes per session.
- If your milk supply is low, pump more often. This will give your body the signal to start producing more.
- If you’re having trouble pumping comfortably, let us know. Our lactation consultants can help troubleshoot with you.
Prepare your baby:
- Teach your baby how to drink your breast milk from a bottle.
- Have someone else offer your baby a bottle of breast milk.
- Don’t force it. If your baby refuses, try again in a few days.
- Bottle feed your baby regularly during the 10 days before returning to work.