Records, forms and certifications

On this page:

Health summary

A basic summary of your online health record. It meets most needs, including changing your physician or switching to another health plan. Learn more.

Medical records

Immediately download certain health information.

This is a summary only of your:

If you need to send health information to a new physician, this summary should have what your physician needs.

You can download a summary of your health record now.

Order an electronic copy of my detailed medical records.

You can specify the date range, which medical records, and the party receiving the copy of your medical records. Allow 10-15 business days for the completion of your request. Note that Medical Office records released as part of this request may contain references related to mental health, addiction, and HIV conditions. Order an electronic copy of your detailed medical records.

To order medical records other than self (ex: Child) then follow the below steps.

Options to request these records:

Northfield Support Services
Attn: Release of Information
11000 E. 45th Avenue
Denver, CO 80239-3004

If you have any questions, please call our Release of Information office at 303-404-4700.


Your physician can fill out your form for short- or long-term disability. Contact your doctor for assistance.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Contact your doctor for assistance with forms for family and medical leave.

Immunization record

Your record of immunizations can be used for school, camp, and other needs.

Forms and publications

Find authorization of care forms for you or a loved one.

My requests

Track your requests for Medical Records.

Are you a former Kaiser Permanente member?

If you are a former member and need records or other forms, call our Release of Information office at (303) 404-4700.