Addiction and recovery
If you’re struggling with alcohol or drugs, you’re not alone
Millions of people live with substance use disorders (SUDs). Over time, these common and treatable conditions can take a toll on the mind, body, and spirit, and cause serious health problems. But prevention and recovery are possible — and there are many paths back to wellness. Whether you want to help yourself or someone else, your care team can help you understand your options and get the support you need to feel better.
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Are you concerned about your drug or alcohol use?

I need help now

I’m not sure if I need help
Help is available — and treatment works
As a Kaiser Permanente member, you have access to a broad range of prevention, treatment, and recovery support. The treatment your care team recommends will be covered by your health plan. We don’t just help members give up alcohol or drugs — we help them transition to life in recovery. And no matter what type of care you need, you’ll be in a safe, judgment-free environment — with support from a highly skilled, deeply compassionate care team.