See how our plans are rated by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2025 Medicare Plan Rating Sheet (updated 10/31/2024)
English (PDF) | Chinese (中文本) (PDF) | Iloko (Ilocano) (PDF) | Korean (한국어) (PDF) | Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (PDF)
Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage (HMO) and Kaiser Permanente Dual Complete (HMO D-SNP)
Make the most of your coverage by learning more about your plan.
See how our plans are rated by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2025 Medicare Plan Rating Sheet (updated 10/31/2024)
English (PDF) | Chinese (中文本) (PDF) | Iloko (Ilocano) (PDF) | Korean (한국어) (PDF) | Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (PDF)
Our Summary of Benefits provides an overview of what our plan covers and what you pay. You can download a copy below.
Summary of Benefits for Senior Advantage Maui Plan (HMO) (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
Summary of Benefits for Senior Advantage Hawaii Island Plan (HMO) (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
Summary of Benefits for Dual Complete Plan (HMO D-SNP) (updated 10/01/24)
English (PDF) | Chinese (中文本) (PDF) | Iloko (Ilocano) (PDF) | Korean (한국어) (PDF) | Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (PDF)
Our Evidence of Coverage (EOC) documents include detailed benefit information and how to get coverage. You can download a copy below.
We encourage you to read this information and hold onto it because it explains your benefits and rights. If you have questions or would like to request a hard copy, please call Members Services at 1-800-805-2739 (toll free) or TTY 711 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week.
EOC for Senior Advantage Basic Plan and Enhanced Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
EOC for Senior Advantage Hawaii Island Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
EOC for Senior Advantage Maui Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
EOC for Dual Complete Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF) English (PDF) | Chinese (中文本) (PDF) | Iloko (Ilocano) (PDF) | Korean (한국어) (PDF) | Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (PDF)
The Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC) describes any changes to coverage, costs, or service area from the previous year, effective January 1. You can download a copy below.
ANOC for Senior Advantage Basic Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
ANOC for Senior Advantage Enhanced Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
ANOC for Senior Advantage Maui Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
ANOC for Senior Advantage Hawaii Island Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
ANOC for Dual Complete Plan (updated 10/01/24) (PDF) English (PDF) | Chinese (中文本) (PDF) | Iloko (Ilocano) (PDF) | Korean (한국어) (PDF)| Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (PDF)
We make it easy to find a doctor or pharmacy to meet your needs. All of our available doctors welcome Kaiser Permanente Medicare health plan members and you can change to another available Kaiser Permanente doctor at any time, for any reason. You can download a provider directory below.
We operate our own pharmacies and contract with affiliated pharmacies that meet or exceed Medicare requirements for pharmacy access. You can download a pharmacy directory below.
The following pharmacy directory only applies to our Medicare Part D group plan (PDP) for Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) members.
Pharmacy Directory for National Medicare Part D Group Plan (PDP) (updated 02/27/25) (PDF)
Provider and pharmacy directory for HMO plans (updated 02/27/25) (PDF)
Provider and pharmacy directory for Dual Complete Plan (updated 01/30/25)
English (PDF) | 中文本 Chinese (PDF) | Iloko (Ilocano) (PDF) | 한국어 (Korean) (PDF) | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) (PDF)
If you would like a directory sent to you by mail, call 1-800-805-2739 (TTY 711), 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Throughout the year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services sends out updates about additional covered services or changes to existing covered services. These notifications are called National Coverage Determinations (NCDs).
View the NCDs for the current plan year (updated 10/01/24) (PDF)
If you would like help understanding these documents, call Member Services at 1-800-805-2739 (toll-free) or TTY 711 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week.
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
711 Kapiolani Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96813
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires healthcare organizations to publish Durable Medical Equipment (DME) criteria when CMS does not have criteria published or when that criteria is not specifically defined.
View Hawaii DME Criteria (PDF)
To find out more about Medicare, visit the following government websites:
Find general information, plan comparisons, a prescription drug plan finder, search tools, and reference materials.
You also may send a complaint directly to Medicare by using the online Medicare Complaint Form.
Search information about Medicare eligibility and enrollment, order a replacement Medicare card, and dig deeper into topics like retirement and disabilities.
Protect your identity. Know the signs of schemes and questionable offers involving Medicare.
An identity thief could try to use your Medicare information to get paid for care you never received.
Watch out for people who ask for your Medicare claim number or plan information, or try to bribe you to see an unfamiliar doctor or use services you don’t need.
Visit the Medicare website for more information on preventing fraud. To report suspected fraud, call 1-877-7SAFERX (1-877-772-3379) (toll free).
Organization determinations
An organization determination is a coverage decision that involves your medical care or asks us to reimburse you or pay a bill. To ask for a coverage decision on health care you want but haven’t received or to pay a bill, you can call, write, or fax Member Services.
If you need a quick answer about care or services because waiting too long could be a health risk, ask for a fast coverage decision. You, your doctor, or your representative can ask for this, and we’ll respond within 72 hours. Otherwise, we’ll respond to requests for care or services within 14 days and requests for payment within 30 days.
If we turn down your request, you can make an appeal. (See "Making an appeal" below.) For more details, refer to chapter 9 in your Evidence of Coverage.
Making an appeal
If we turn down your request, you’ll get written notice of our decision. You can ask us to reconsider by making a Level 1 Appeal within 60 days of the date on that notice.
For more details, refer to chapter 9 in your Evidence of Coverage.
How do I appoint a representative?
You can appoint a representative to help you. Your representative can be a family member, friend, advocate, attorney, doctor, or someone else who will act on your behalf. Fill out an Appointment of Representative form (updated 10/01/24) (PDF) and send it in with your appeal.
Filing a grievance
If you’re unhappy with your care or services or with our processes, you can make a complaint. This is known as filing a grievance. Contact Member Services within 60 days of the incident, by phone or in writing.
We’ll look into your complaint and respond within 30 days. For more details, refer to chapter 9 in your Evidence of Coverage.
You can look at appeals and grievances other plan members have filed with Kaiser Permanente. To get this information, please contact Member Services.