Get Care in Southern California
Care options are available to most members. Refer to the care options on this page for more information regarding cost and availability based on plan type.
If you’re having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website.
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Popular care options
Visit types: Video, phone
Talk to a clinician 24/7 over video or phone for quality care when you need it - no appointment needed.
Visit types: Online questionnaire
Answer a quick self-service questionnaire and get a response with advice and treatment from a physician within 2 hours.
Visit types: Video, phone, office
Visit with your primary care physician or specialists by referral.
All care options
Other services available in Southern California
If you need help choosing the care that’s right for you, contact us 24/7 at 1-833-574-2273 (TTY 711).
Call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.
To cancel an appointment, log onto or call 1-833-574-2273 (TTY 711).
Find where you can go for care near you.
Learn how to get care before, during, and after your trip.
Arrange prescription refills, whether online or from a pharmacy near you.
Get care in your language at no extra cost.
View details of your medical history, including test results and past visit information.
See if you’re due for screenings or preventive services, get health alerts, and more.
Get assistance related to access and account management.
To schedule a phone, video, or in-person visit with a mental health professional or addiction counselor, call 1-833-KP-WITH-U or learn more about mental health and wellness support.