a patient has a video visit with a doctor and receives treatment over their cell phone

The care you need, when you need it in Southern California

Explore the convenient ways you can get quality care.

To access all your online care options, you’ll need to sign-in or create a kp.org account.

Care options are available to most members. Refer to the care options on this page for more information regarding cost and availability based on plan type.

If you’re having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website.


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All care options

    Here are your available options for "[care type]":
    Here are all your available options:

    Immediate care 

    Best for: Urgent needs that aren’t life-threatening

    Routine care

    Best for: Nonurgent needs, existing issues, and new symptoms 

    Phone options

    Video options

    Online options

    In-person options

    Wait times and costs are estimates only. Actual time may vary based on availability of individual physicians. Actual price may vary based on plan benefits. Learn more about your health plan

    Other services available in Southern California