Support Center
Request medical information and find forms and answers on your own. Or contact us by chat, email, or phone.
Frequently asked questions
Bill pay
- How do I pay my premium bill online?
- What medical bill features are available to me?
- How do I view my billing history?
Change your plan information
- How can I update the information on my Kaiser Permanente plan?
- How and when can I change health plans?
- How do I add a newly adopted child to my plan?
Create an account or reset your password
- How do I reset my password?
- Can teens create their own accounts?
- Why is my account locked after repeated sign-in attempts?
Understand your coverage
- Is my Kaiser Permanente health plan coverage active?
- How do I make an appointment to see a chiropractor?
- How do I use my dental benefits?
Refill prescriptions
- How can I update my medication list?
- Why can’t I order a refill even though I have refills remaining?
- Why is a credit card needed if I don’t have a copayment for refills?
Act for a family member
- What is Act for a family member?
- Who can use it?
- How do I set it up?
Additional resources
Care Away From Home
Start your care in a new KP region by creating your MRN, and easily switch between your accounts.
Forms & publications
Explore guides, directories, and forms related to Kaiser Permanente membership and plans.
Medical information requests
Request copies of medical records, forms, certifications, and other secure documents.
Support after loss of a loved one
Learn about bereavement support, the steps you may need to take after a loved one passes, canceling health care coverage after death, or enrolling covered family members in a new plan.

Get troubleshooting tips for video visits, the Kaiser Permanente app, and issues. Or get support by phone for remote monitoring devices and online physical therapy.
Technical support for virtual care Troubleshoot website and app issues
Contact Member Services
Choose from the following contact options for questions and concerns about your plan, benefits, billing, account management, and more.
Important: If you think you or someone you care for is having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website. For advice, medical assistance, or booking appointments, go to Get care.
Get 24/7 virtual support.
Call to speak with a Member Services representative.
711 TTY
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except major holidays
For Medicare members
Hours: 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Send an email for non-urgent questions or comments, and get a response within 3 business days.