Affiliated/contracted practitioners/physicians


Some services are provided by affiliated/contracted practitioners/physicians.

Affiliated/contracted practitioners/physicians belong to a local medical group with whom we have contracted to provide care to Kaiser Permanente members.

Affiliated/contracted providers may include physicians, hospitals, and pharmacies, as well as providers of lab, imaging, optical, and hearing services.

Learn more about affiliated/contract practitioners/physicians in your member guidebook.

Based on your product, you may also have access to additional network providers. Please note that specialists may require a referral from your Primary Care Physician or other Kaiser Permanente Provider. Please select your plan below for more details:

Affiliated hospitals

Emergency care is covered at any hospital at any time. If you have an emergency medical condition, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. If time and safety permit, you can go to one our affiliated plan locations where your costs may be lower.