How to join a scheduled video visit at Kaiser Permanente 

Get ready to connect to care

Video visits are a convenient way for you to get the care you need without leaving home. Before your visit, you’ll want to check a few things to make sure your computer or mobile device is set up to connect to your care team. Please note that these instructions are for scheduled video visits only, including one-on-one visits with a clinician, group visits, and group classes. The process is a little bit different for 24/7 virtual care visits.

Video visits are hosted by Zoom. Zoom offers features for members who may need additional support during their video visit, including automated captioning, sign language interpreters, spoken language interpreters, and real-time captioning.


If your computer has a working camera and audio, you can use it for your video visit. See the instructions below.

Make sure you have a strong internet connection
You can connect using Wi-Fi or a wired internet connection. Make sure you have a strong connection and good internet speed. If other people in your home are online, it might affect your video quality — especially if they’re using streaming services, like watching videos or playing video games online.

Join your video visit

It’s easy to join a video visit with a desktop or laptop computer that’s connected to the internet.

You’ll need to make sure:

  • Your camera, microphone, and speakers are working
  • You’re using a supported browser, Chrome™ or Safari®
  • Your operating system is up to date
Check your computer

You’ll have 2 opportunities to test your camera, microphone, and speakers:

  • Test your equipment before your visit at
  • Test your equipment as you join your video visit. Join a few minutes early for the best experience.

Then follow these steps:

Step 1
For the best experience, download Zoom at You can also join your video visit using your internet browser.

Step 2
Sign in at and find your video visit by clicking “Appointments” and scrolling down to find the appointment you want to join.

Step 3
Select your appointment to connect to your care team. You’ll be able to join your visit as long as the “Join” button is blue.

What if my care team emailed me a link?
If you got a video visit invitation by email, simply click the link in the email. Then confirm your identity and accept the terms and conditions to connect to your visit. If your clinician or instructor hasn’t joined yet, you may be put into a virtual waiting room until they arrive.


If your mobile device has a working camera and audio, you can use it for your video visit. See the instructions below.

Make sure you have a strong internet connection
You can connect using Wi-Fi or at least 3 bars of LTE cellular service. Make sure you have a strong connection and good internet speed. If other people in your home are online, it might affect your video quality — especially if they’re using streaming services, like watching videos or playing video games online.

Join your video visit

It’s easy to join your video visit using an iPhone®, iPad®, or Android™ device. If you’re using an iPhone, make sure it’s no more than 4 generations old.

Follow these steps:

Step 1
For the best experience, download the Zoom app from the App Store® or on Google Play™.

Step 2
Sign in to the Kaiser Permanente app* and scroll to “Appointments” to view your scheduled appointments.

Step 3
Select your visit and tap to connect to your care team. You’ll be able to join your visit as long as the “Join” button is blue.

What if my care team texted or emailed me a link?
If you got a video visit invitation by text or email, simply tap the link in the invitation. Then confirm your identity and accept the terms and conditions to connect to your visit. If your clinician or instructor hasn’t joined yet, you may be put into a virtual waiting room until they arrive.


Make sure your camera is turned toward you and that the sound is turned up and you’re not on mute. If you’re using a computer, check that your camera is plugged in and any speakers you have are working. If you still have problems, try leaving and restarting your video visit. If this doesn’t work, something may be wrong with your equipment.
If you ever get disconnected, you can rejoin your video visit as long as you’re still within your scheduled appointment time and your clinician or instructor hasn’t left.

Interpreter services are available to help you communicate with your doctor in the language you're most comfortable using. Interpreter services are available at no additional cost to members in over 150 languages, including sign language.


Qualified interpreters can join your video visit by video, audio, or upon request with advanced notice, we can provide Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART) services. You can also use closed captions (CC) to supplement audio with real-time voice-to-text. However, they don't replace audio or interpreter services.

See answers to common questions about our services.

Yes, your doctor's office can invite an American Sign Language (ASL), Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI), or CART captioner.

If you have your language preference indicated in your medical record, staff will do their best to have interpreter services enabled at the time of appointment.

When you schedule an appointment for a video visit with our Appointment and Advice Call Center at 1-833-574-2273, you can request interpreter services, including standard sign languages.

We have qualified sign language interpreters available during these times:

  • American Sign Language (ASL) - English, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) - Monday to Friday, 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. PST and Saturday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PST

For the best experience with an interpreter, we recommend joining the visit through the Zoom app (mobile) or Zoom client (computer).

CART is a real-time captioning service using a stenotype machine, computer, and software. Captions display the voice-to-text translation of spoken English into written English onto a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

CART services must be requested with your doctor's office or the Appointment and Advice Center at least 72 hours before your video visit.

To access your video appointment and your captions, we recommend using a larger screen such as a computer instead of a smartphone.

You can let us know your language preference by calling Member Services at:

  • English and more than 150 languages: 1-800-464-4000
  • Spanish/español: 1-800-788-0616
  • Chinese dialects: 1-800-757-7585
  • TTY: 711

Additional Support

We’re here to help. Simply call this support phone number, Monday through Friday from 4:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific time.

Southern California
1-844-800-0820 (TTY 711)

Apple, iPhone, and iPad are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a service mark of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. Google Play and Android are trademarks of Google LLC.

*If you don't have the Kaiser Permanente app yet, you can download it at no cost from the App Store or on Google Play. You'll need to be registered on to sign in.