How to Qualify and Apply for Medi-Cal
The steps below explain how to apply for Medi-Cal and get care through Kaiser Permanente for yourself or your child.
3. How to Complete your Medi-Cal application.
In Person
Apply at your Local County Services Office where you can get help to complete your application.
By Mail
Get a Medi-Cal application through Applications are available in English and other languages. Send your completed and signed application to the address specified.
By Phone
To apply over the phone, call your Local County Services Office.
Apply online at
You may be asked to provide additional documents such as:
- Identification
- Proof of residency (you must live in the state in which you apply)
- Household income
4. Receive approval for Medi-Cal.
Your Medi-Cal application will be reviewed by the county to determine if you qualify for Medi-Cal.
This could take up to 45 days. To check on the status of your application, contact your Local County Services Office or visit
Once your file has been reviewed and approved, you’ll receive a packet in the mail from your county. This packet will contain your Medi-Cal Benefit ID Card (BIC). Once you receive your BIC you can start using your Medi-Cal benefits.
2. Receive a new-member packet from Kaiser Permanente once you’re enrolled.
If you qualify for Kaiser Permanente, you will receive a letter confirming your plan selection and effective date from Health Care Options within 7-10 days.
Please continue to bring your Medi-Cal BIC to your appointments even after you receive your Kaiser Permanente ID card.