Orange County - Anaheim Medical Center
About this facility
Kraemer MOB 2 Pharmacy - 3430 E La Palma Ave
Pharmacy License: PHY 50911
Pharmacy NPI: 1629334362
Volunteer Services
The mission of the Volunteer Services Department is to provide quality support services to our members, visitors, and staff in the Kaiser Permanente Orange County service area and to our local communities. Our volunteers include men and women 16 years of age and older, and represent the culturally diverse community which forms our customer service area. Many volunteers are Kaiser Permanente members, and all share a strong desire to help and a willingness to serve where they are most needed. Volunteers are selected, placed, and trained based on their skills, abilities, and service orientation without regard for race, religion, national origin, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference or medical condition. For more information, contact:
Anaheim Volunteer Services (714) 644-2706
Irvine Volunteer Services (949) 932-2705
Plans accepted at this facility
- Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO)
- Medi-Cal Managed Care
- Point-of-Service Plan (POS)
- Senior Advantage
Departments and specialties
See all departments and specialtiesServices and amenities
3430 E La Palma Ave, 5th Floor
Anaheim, CA 92806
Phone numbers
Hospital administrator
- 714-644-4100
Medical Group administrator
- 714-644-4975
- Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Farmers Market
- Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Phone numbers
Cafe - Information
- 714-644-6750
Farmers Market - Information
- 714-644-6761
3430 E La Palma Ave, 1st Floor
Anaheim, CA 92806
- Monday through Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- Thursday, noon to 6:30 p.m.
- Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Sunday, Closed
Phone numbers
- 714-644-2710
Only the services of interpreters and qualified staff are used to provide language assistance. These may include bilingual providers, staff, and healthcare interpreters. In-person, telephone, video, and alternative modes of communication are available.
Learn more about interpreter services .
Learn more about translation process .
- Closed
- Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone numbers
- 714-284-6634
Phone numbers
Birth Certificates
- 714-644-6704
Decedent Affairs
- 714-644-6902
- 714-284-6900
To schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with Member Services in Orange County, you will need the following:
- Access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone with video and audio capabilities (required for virtual appointments only)
- An internet connection (required for virtual appointments only)
- An email address
- A cell phone number
- (800) 464-4000 (English)
- (800) 788-0616 (Espanol)
- (800) 757-7585 (Chinese dialects)
- 711 (TTY)
Our offices are also available for walk-in assistance (without an appointment) during regular business hours.
- Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone numbers
- 714-644-4137
Phone numbers
- 1-888-956-1616 (toll free)
Fees may apply
- Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone numbers
- 714-284-6634
3430 E La Palma Ave, 1st Floor
Anaheim, CA 92806
- open 24 hours
Phone numbers
- 714-644-5511
Phone numbers
- 714-644-6241
Phone numbers
California Relay Service
- 711 (toll-free TTY for the hearing/speech impaired)
There are many benefits to volunteering, especially in health care. People who regularly provide a service of giving back to others often experience an increased sense of personal fulfillment, less stress, and feelings of happiness. Each year, the Kaiser Permanente Orange County Medical Center volunteers donate hours of service in over 30 departments throughout our campus.
General Volunteer Program Information
Applications are always accepted. Interviews are conducted monthly for volunteers ranging from 16 – 92.
- Commit to a minimum 200 hours (adult) and 150 hours (Youth) of service in a year.
- Must complete required health screen process
- Be able to communicate well in English (second language skills are a plus)
- Willing to be subject to a background check
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please reach out volunteerservices-kpoc@kp.org
- Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Saturday and Sunday, Closed
Phone numbers
- 714-644-2706
Anaheim, CA 92806
Emergency care
- open 24 hours
Phone numbers
- 714-644-2800
Departments and specialties
Admitting, Advice Nurse, Cardiology, Cardiology Testing, Continuing Care, Emergency Department, Ethics Committee, HearUSA/HEARx West Hearing Care Centers, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Newborn Nursery (Inpatient), Pediatrics - Inpatient only, Physical/Occupational Therapy, Postpartum (Inpatient), Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT), Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging, Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging - Mammography, Social MedicineServices and amenities
Cafe, Language Assistance, Member Services, Spiritual Care/ChaplainAnaheim, CA 92806
Pharmacy services
Pharmacy Type: Retail
- open 24 hours
Phone numbers
Information/Refills by phone
- 1-866-523-8007 (toll free)
Mail Order
- 1-866-206-2983 (toll free)
Departments and specialties
Pharmacy - Kraemer MOB 2 OP 24hrServices and amenities
Administration, Gift Shop, Security (Lost and Found)Anaheim, CA 92806
Services and amenities
Volunteer ServicesAnaheim, CA 92805
Services and amenities
Medical Correspondence, Medical Records - Inpatient only, School/Camp formsResources
Related links
To find a provider's office hours, search our facility directory.
The information in this online directory is updated periodically. The availability of physicians, hospitals, providers, and services may change. Information about a practitioner is provided to us by the practitioner or is obtained as part of the credentialing process. If you have questions, please call us at 1-800-464-4000 (toll free). For the hearing and speech impaired: 1-800-464-4000 (toll free) or TTY 711 (toll free). You can also call the Medical Board of California at 916-263-2382, or visit their website.
We want to speak to you in the language that you’re most comfortable with when you call or visit us. Qualified interpreter services, including sign language, are available at no cost, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during all hours of operations at all points of contact. We do not encourage the use of family, friends or minors as interpreters. Only the services of interpreters and qualified staff are used to provide language assistance. These may include bilingual providers, staff, and healthcare interpreters. In-person, telephone, video, and alternative modes of communication are available. Learn more about interpreter services.
If you would like to report an error in provider or facility information, please contact us.
Medicare Members: To request a hard copy of Kaiser Permanente’s provider directory, please call our Member Services department at 1-800-443-0815, seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Kaiser Permanente will mail a hard copy of the provider directory to you within three (3) business days of your request. Kaiser Permanente may ask whether your request for a hard copy is a one-time request or if you are requesting to receive the provider directory in hard copy permanently.
If you request it, your request for hard copies of the provider directory remains until you leave Kaiser Permanente or request that hard copies be discontinued.
Medi-Cal Members: This directory includes Kaiser Permanente’s outpatient pharmacies. You can get any drugs covered by Kaiser Permanente at one of these pharmacies. You can get outpatient drugs covered by Medi-Cal at any Medi-Cal Rx Pharmacy. It does not have to be a Kaiser Permanente network pharmacy. Most Kaiser Permanente network pharmacies are Medi-Cal Rx pharmacies. Your pharmacy can tell you if it is part of the Medi-Cal Rx network. If you want to find a Medi-Cal pharmacy outside of Kaiser Permanente, you can use the Medi-Cal Rx Pharmacy Locator online at www.Medi-CalRx.dhcs.ca.gov. You can also call Medi-Cal Rx Customer Service at 1-800-977-2273, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (TTY 711 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
Medi-Cal Members: Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports services require prior authorization and are limited to members who meet specific eligibility criteria.
Kaiser Permanente enrollees have full and equal access to covered services, including enrollees with disabilities as required under the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Kaiser Permanente uses the same quality, member experience, or cost-related measures to select practitioners and facilities in Marketplace Silver-tier plans as it does for all other Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP) products and lines of business. The measures may include, but are not limited to, HEDIS/CAHPS performance, member/patient complaints, patient safety scores, hospital quality measures, and geographic need. Members enrolled in KFHP Marketplace plans have access to all professional, institutional and ancillary health care providers who participate in KFHP plans’ contracted provider network, in accordance with the terms of members’ KFHP plan of coverage. All Kaiser Permanente Medical Group physicians and network physicians are subject to the same quality review processes and certifications.
Kaiser Permanente uses the same geographic distribution consideration to select hospitals in Marketplace plans as it does for all other Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP) products and lines of business. Accessibility of medical offices and medical centers in this directory: All Kaiser Permanente facilities are accessible to members.
This page was last updated on: 03/17/25