Mark B Heinonen, MD

I speak: English
My gender: Male
This provider requires a referral
Where I practice
- Emergency service
- Urgent care services
- After-hours services
- Pharmacy services
- No emergency services
- No urgent care services
- No after-hours services
- No pharmacy services
About me
I grew up in the Washington DC area, attended the University of Virginia for my undergraduate studies and George Washington University School of Medicine. I received a medical school Air Force full scholarship and spent seven years in the Air Force as a Flight Surgeon and Emergency Medicine Physician. After the Air Force, I attended anesthesiology residency at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis, graduating in 2001) and upon graduation worked in a very busy private practice in Las Vegas, Nevada for six years. I joined Kaiser Permanente Northwest because of its excellent reputation. I also wanted a more balanced work and lifestyle. I wanted increased medical challenges thus better utilizing my clinical skills, in a more integrated system, yet be more rested and have more predictable family time. I have never worked in a better system then Kaiser Permanente Northwest. I have been married for 12 years to a wonderful nurse and mother and we have three children, two boys and one girl. I pursued a medical career after discovering my love for biology and always wanting to work closely with people. I confirmed this decision after volunteering in hospitals, a nursing home, burn unit, externing with a surgeon and working for a year in a research lab. I specifically chose anesthesiology because I love the clinical application of physiology and pharmacology (my two favorite subjects) and the numerous procedures you get to perform in this field.
About my practice
I work in a large anesthesia group consisting of anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists. Some days I supervise three rooms with nurse anesthetists and other days I do my own cases. Combining supervision and doing my own cases maximizes skills, crisis management and practice satisfaction. In addition to general anesthesia I do neuroanesthesia, thoracic, vascular, OB/GYN, bariatric and complex head and neck anesthesia. I am comfortable performing regional anesthetic techniques for primary anesthesia and post operative pain management. In addition to providing vapor anesthesia, I regularly place arterial and central lines, epidurals, spinals and regional blocks. I also have placed a lot of double lumen endotracheal tubes for lung isolation. Finally, I just finished taking my 10 year written board recertification, passing and scoring in the 97th percentile.
How I thrive
As stated above, I thrive in a well balanced practice. I work hard but have plenty of time off for family, rest and hobbies. I love that we have an integrated, evidence based, safe system with friendly and outstanding surgeons. Our anesthesia group is well staffed and well supported by Kaiser Permanente leadership. I feel that the combination of supervision and doing my own cases keeps my skills maximized but also prevents burn out and fatigue. When a nurse anesthetist needs my assistance I am rested, thinking clearly and have the skills to be helpful. I believe anesthesiologist morale is excellent judging by the very low turnover within our group. My hobbies include cheering my kids in their athletic, scouting, piano and singing activities, spending time with wife, skiing, hiking, gym time and travel in general. I hope to pick up golf again soon! I volunteer in the Union Gospel Mission, feeding the homeless. My family and I attend church regularly. I hope to one day resume medical missions once our children are a little older.
My office
Referral requirements
You need a referral to see this provider. To learn more, select “provider referrals” in the Find out about section.Languages spoken by medical staff
Help is available in your language. Learn more.
Medical Groups, Plans, and Networks
Northwest Permanente Physicians and Surgeons, PC
Kaiser Permanente Westside Medical Center
Networks and plans accepted
- Added Choice (Washington Employer)
- Added Choice + Dental Choice (Washington Employer)
- Classic
- Classic + Dental Choice
- Classic Complete
- Medicaid
- Oregon Added Choice (Oregon Employer)
- Oregon PPO Plus (Oregon Employer)
- PPO Plus (Washington Employer)
- PPO Plus + Dental Choice (Washington Employer)
- Senior Advantage
Contact information
- Appointments/Cancellations/Information
- 1-800-813-2000 (toll free)
- Main Phone
- 971-310-1000
Sunnyside Medical Office
Networks and plans accepted
- Added Choice (Washington Employer)
- Added Choice + Dental Choice (Washington Employer)
- Classic
- Classic + Dental Choice
- Classic Complete
- Medicaid
- Oregon Added Choice (Oregon Employer)
- Oregon PPO Plus (Oregon Employer)
- PPO Plus (Washington Employer)
- PPO Plus + Dental Choice (Washington Employer)
- Senior Advantage
Contact information
- Appointments/Cancellations/Messages/Information
- 1-800-813-2000 (toll free)
- Information
- 1-800-735-2900 (toll-free TTY for the hearing/speech impaired)
- Information (Vancouver area)
- 360-256-0556
My training, certifications & licensing
Medical school
George Washington UniversityBoard certification
American Board of AnesthesiologyTo verify board certification for an individual practitioner, please visit the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Medical Association, or the American Osteopathic Association websites.
Medical training
Wright State UniversityJoined Permanente Medical Group
2008Provider ID
22532License information
Look up this provider’s credentials at the Washington State Department of Health website.
Look up this provider’s credentials at the Oregon Medical Board website.
Cultural Competency Training (CCT)
Kaiser Permanente providers complete accredited cultural competency training.My hospitals
I have admitting privileges at the following hospitals:
Setting the standard: Measuring care quality in our hospitals(PDF)
To find:
- a provider’s office hours, search our facility directory
- providers in your plan or accepting new patients, call 1-800-813-2000 (toll free) or 711 (TTY for the hearing/speech impaired)
- Oregon Medicaid members: For information about Ride to Care, call 503-416-3955, 855-321-4899 (toll free), 711 (TTY), or visit
If you are looking for a gender affirming treatment provider and can’t find a provider close to you, please call our Member Services department at 1-800-813-2000 for help finding an in-network provider.
The information in this online directory is updated at least monthly. The availability of physicians, hospitals, providers and services may change. For the most up-to-date information, please contact Member Services at 1-800-813-2000. Information about practitioners is provided to us by the practitioners or is obtained as part of the credentialing process.
Medicare Members: To request a hard copy of Kaiser Permanente’s provider directory, please call our Member Services department at 1-877-221-8221, seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Kaiser Permanente will mail a hard copy of the provider directory to you within three (3) business days of your request. Kaiser Permanente may ask whether your request for a hard copy is a one-time request or if you are requesting to receive the provider directory in hard copy permanently.
If you request it, your request for hard copies of the provider directory remains until you leave Kaiser Permanente or request that hard copies be discontinued.
Kaiser Permanente uses the same quality, member experience, or cost-related measures to select practitioners and facilities in Marketplace Silver-tier plans as it does for all other KFHP (Kaiser Foundation Health Plan) products and lines of business. Members enrolled in KFHP Marketplace plans have access to all professional, institutional and ancillary health care providers who participate in KFHP plans’ contracted provider network, in accordance with the terms of members’ KFHP plan of coverage. All Kaiser Permanente Medical Group physicians and network physicians are subject to the same quality review processes and certifications.
Learn more about provider selection and tiered network criteria
Kaiser Permanente uses the same geographic distribution consideration to select hospitals in Marketplace plans as it does for all other KFHP products and lines of business. Accessibility of medical offices and medical centers in this directory: All Kaiser Permanente facilities are accessible to members.
Help in your language: Interpreter services, including ASL (American Sign Language), are available during business hours at no additional cost to members. Many of our doctors also speak more than one language. Call 1-800-324-8010 (toll free), or 1-800-813-2000 (toll free), or 711 (TTY).
Kaiser Permanente providers complete accredited cultural competency training.
Questions? Please call Membership Services from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days a week (except major holidays).
- Portland: 503-813-2000
- All other areas: 1-800-813-2000 (toll free) or 711 (TTY)
For language interpretation services: 1-800-324-8010 (toll free).
For specific license information, including malpractice history and disciplinary actions, you can call the Oregon Medical Board at 971-673-2700 or the Washington State Department of Health at 360-236-4700.
Referrals to affiliated community physicians/providers in Oregon and Washington
Affiliated community physicians/providers are not part of the NWPMG (Northwest Permanente Medical Group). They are physicians/providers credentialed by Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest and/or who have a contract with the NWPMG.
If your NWPMG physician decides that you require covered services not available internally from an NWPMG physician, he or she may refer you to an affiliated community physician/provider. You must have a written, authorized referral from Kaiser Permanente in order to receive a covered service from an affiliated community physician/provider.
Referrals to affiliated community dentists in Oregon and Washington
Affiliated community dentists are not part of PDA (Permanente Dental Associates). They are dentists credentialed by PDA for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest, and they have a contract with PDA.
If your PDA dentist decides that you require covered services not available internally from a PDA dentist, he or she may refer you to an affiliated community dentist. You must have a written, authorized referral from Kaiser Permanente in order to receive a covered service from an affiliated community dentist.
If you would like to report an error in provider or facility information, call Member Services at 1-800-813-2000 or contact the web manager.
This page was last updated on: 02/27/2025