Durable medical equipment in Northern California


Durable Medical Equipment (DME) includes, but is not limited to, canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, hospital beds, nebulizers, oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure Machines (CPAP). DME items are provided when medically indicated for in home use. DME is available to Kaiser Permanente members through third-party suppliers in your region.

You must have a referral from your Kaiser Permanente Physician to obtain Durable Medical Equipment from a supplier on this list. Contact your doctor’s office to request a referral. Once the order has been received, provision of the item will be determined by your Health Plan benefit and clinical criteria. Some health plans may have limited coverage and/or a share of cost for DME items. Please contact your local Member Services for additional information.

Note: Durable Medical Equipment coverage is limited to the standard item of equipment that adequately meets your medical need. Kaiser Permanente will determine whether to rent or purchase the equipment, and select the supplier. For questions about your Durable Medical Equipment coverage, please call Member Services at 800-464-4000.

Durable Medical Equipment suppliers in Northern California

The continued availability and/or participation of any Durable Medical Equipment supplier cannot be guaranteed and are subject to change.

Note: These listings are for your information only. A referral from your primary care physician is required to obtain Durable Medical Equipment from a supplier on this list. Please do not contact the suppliers directly.

Download a list of Durable Medical Equipment suppliers in Northern California (PDF)