Care and treatment for COVID-19

Most people can safely recover from COVID-19 at home. But it’s still important to know when to seek medical care. 

You have many care and treatment options at Kaiser Permanente. Find out how to manage common symptoms, protect yourself and others, and when to see a doctor. 

What to do if you’re sick with a cough

Cough is a common symptom of COVID-19, as well as a cold and the flu. In this video, learn how to treat your cough at home and what to avoid so your cough won’t get worse. You’ll also find what type of cough medicine is best for a wet cough versus a dry cough. 

How is COVID-19 treated?

Parent tending to sick child

Recovering at home

Most people can recover from COVID-19 at home. You can take steps to protect yourself and others by self-isolating, continuing to wear a mask, and washing your hands often. 

Person meeting doctor virtually on a tablet

Seeing a doctor

In some cases, like if you have more severe symptoms or are at high risk for illness, you may need to see your doctor.  

Doctor speaking with patient

Getting emergency care

While you have many ways to get care, certain symptoms require immediate attention. 

Person sitting at desk while on an e-visit with a doctor

Get care based on your symptoms

Looking for COVID-19 care? Get started with an e-visit to get guidance for care based on your symptoms or to request a COVID-19 test without a trip to your doctor’s office. 

Just answer a quick self-service questionnaire and get a response from a clinician. After your e-visit, you’ll get treatment advice and any necessary prescriptions. 

You’ll need a account to start an e-visit. If you don’t have an account, visit to create one. Or try one of our other convenient care options. 

Recovering at home

Most people experience mild symptoms and can safely recover from COVID-19 at home. Learn how to take care of yourself and protect others in your household. 

Seeing a doctor

Getting emergency care

Frequently asked questions


1Information doesn’t include all possible symptoms. COVID-19 symptoms may change with new variants and depending on vaccination status.
2Kaiser Permanente does not endorse the medication mentioned. Any trade name listed is for easy identification only. 
3When appropriate and available. 
4For the complete definition of an emergency medical condition, please refer to your Evidence of Coverage or other coverage documents. 
5This number can be dialed from both inside and outside the United States. Before the phone number, dial “001” for landlines and “+1” for mobile lines if you’re outside the country. Long-distance charges may apply and we can’t accept collect calls. The phone line is closed on major holidays (New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). It closes early the day before a holiday at 10 p.m. Pacific time (PT), and it reopens the day after a holiday at 4 a.m. PT.

Connecting to care

Call us 24/7 and talk with a licensed care clinician about your questions or concerns. Find your local phone number below. 

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Call 24/7 for advice

If you need help choosing the care that’s right for you, give us a call.


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Message your care team

Prefer to write? Message your care team anytime with medical questions.


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Schedule an appointment

Schedule in-person check-ups, phone or video visits, and other appointments.