Your pregnancy: 21 to 24 weeks 

Your baby

Your baby is still small enough to change position a lot — from head down to feet down, or even sideways. Although it might not feel like it to you, your baby sleeps long hours, about 12 to 14 hours every day. Oh — and that funny jerking motion you’ve been feeling means your baby has the hiccups.

What’s happening this week?

Your body

To get ready for childbirth, pregnancy hormones are causing your joints to soften, so you may feel a little clumsy. Just roll with it.

Seeing and feeling your baby squirming under your clothes might feel weird, but it’s a sign that your baby’s development is on track. Think of it as a high five.

If you have leg cramps, heartburn, insomnia, or other discomforts, we have information and tips for common pregnancy symptoms. Our best advice? Take it easy when you can. Remember — growing a baby takes a lot of energy.

Your to-do list

  • Sign up for lactation, breastfeeding, or chestfeeding classes.* If nothing comes up in your area, ask us about prenatal and postnatal support at your next appointment.
  • Remember to stay hydrated. It can help ease — or even prevent — common pregnancy symptoms like constipation, headaches, and fatigue.
  • If you have a partner, make time to connect with them. If possible, take a babymoon, or a weekend away to relax before your new baby comes.
  • Listen to your body. Get extra sleep when you’re tired — you’ve earned it.

*Some classes may require a fee.