Find out why over 10 million members use kp.org to access their care
From finding a doctor to filling prescriptions to reviewing test results, you have the tools to quickly and securely manage your care online.1
Simply select one of the kp.org member experience demos below to explore how we provide convenient, high-quality care, anytime, anywhere.

See how new members get started
If you’re new to Kaiser Permanente, we’ll guide you step-by-step through getting started on kp.org, including:
- Choosing a personal doctor
- Selecting a doctor for a family member
- Transferring prescriptions
- Scheduling a first appointment

See how current members manage their care
Members have the tools to find care virtually or in person, connect with their care team, and stay on top of their care 24/7, including.2
- Scheduling an appointment
- Messaging your doctor with nonurgent questions
- Viewing medical records
- Paying bills
- Getting care now
Explore our health plans
Want to learn more? Visit the Shop Plans
page to get started.
1Not all pages are shown. Demos use fictitious data. However, actual providers and Kaiser Permanente locations are shown. Experience may vary by location.
2The member experience displayed is for a fully insured member on an HMO or DHMO plan with a dependent.