adult and child dancing and laughing together

Renewing Your Medi-Cal Coverage

Important: Are you enrolled in Medi-Cal? Make sure that Medi-Cal has up-to-date information. Visit to learn more and to sign up for email and text message alerts to get general updates about what is happening with Medi-Cal renewals.

If you need help with your renewal, call our Medicaid Assistance Center at
Important: 1-800-557-4515 (TTY 711) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Español: 1-800-545-7263 (TTY 711) 

Each year, your county will conduct a review to determine if you and/or your family members continue to meet Medi-Cal eligibility requirements. This review process is called your annual redetermination.


Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Your Local County Services Office will either send a letter saying you qualify for another year or a form requesting additional information. If you have not received anything from the county by your renewal month, contact your Local County Services Office to check on your and/or your family’s annual renewal status. Be sure to inform the county if your address has changed.

Step 2: If you are required to complete The Medi-Cal Annual Redetermination form, please follow the instructions, fill out, and sign the form.

Step 3: Return the form along with any additional documents requested. All information must be completed by the deadline provided by the county, or you could risk losing your Medi-Cal benefits.

Step 4: Once your form is processed, the county will let you know if you and/or your family member(s) qualify for Medi-Cal for another year. In the meantime, you can continue to keep your doctor appointments and access Kaiser Permanente services as usual.

If you no longer qualify for Medi-Cal

If the county determines that you no longer qualify for Medi-Cal, your information will be sent to Covered California to be reviewed for financial assistance through Covered California. You will receive more information letting you know what your next steps are. You do not need to fill out another Covered California application.

To check on your transition status, call Covered California at 1-800-300-1506.