Medi-Cal Programs


Kaiser Permanente offers 3 Medi-Cal programs:

  • Enhanced Care Management
  • Community Supports
  • Community Health Workers

These programs are for Medi-Cal members who have complex medical issues or need more services and supports in the community.

Enhanced Care Management services help to coordinate your care. You will have a Lead Care Manager who will work with your care teams. This includes doctors, specialists, and mental health providers.  They make sure everyone is working together and you get the care you need. A Lead Care Manager can also help you find services near you to help you stay healthy.

Enhanced Care Management services may include:

  • Coordinating care based on your specific medical and social needs
  • Helping you manage your medications
  • Helping you schedule appointments
  • Finding and applying for services near you
  • Helping you and your family improve your health

Adults are eligible if: 1

  • You and your family are homeless or don’t have a stable place to live
  • You had 5 or more emergency visits, or 3 or more unplanned hospital and/or short-term skilled nursing facility (SNF) stays in the last 6 months
  • You have a serious mental health condition or struggle with drug or alcohol use
  • You are transitioning from incarceration
  • You are at risk of entering a nursing home
  • You are staying in a nursing home and need help to transition back to the community
  • You are pregnant or had a baby in the last year and are Black, American Indian, Alaska Native, or Pacific Islander

Children or youth under 21 are eligible if: 1

  • You had 3 or more emergency visits, or 2 or more unplanned hospital and/or short-term SNF stays in the last 12 months
  • You have a serious mental health condition or struggle with drug or alcohol use
  • You are part of California Children’s Services (CCS) or Whole Child Model (WCM) and have more social needs. This can include food, stable housing, transportation, or other needs. Or you are having a mental health or substance use crisis. Or you had recent contact with police
  • You are in foster care now or have a history of being in a child welfare program or foster care
  • You are transitioning from incarceration
  • You are pregnant or had a baby in the last year and are Black, American Indian, Alaska Native, or Pacific Islander

1 Members may not be enrolled in ECM and any of the following programs at the same time: Hospice, Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), Complex Care Management (CCM), California Community Transitions (CCT), and 1915 (c) Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (HCBS) -- including Medi-Cal Waiver Program (HIV/AIDS), Home and Community-Based Alternatives (HCBA), Assisted Living Waiver (ALW), Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for the Developmentally Disabled (HCBS-DD), Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP), and Self-Determination Program (ICF-DD).

Community Supports are services that help with social factors that affect your health. These services help you in your community. They may help you find housing and other non-medical services.

Eligibility depends on the type of Community Support. You don’t have to be enrolled in Enhanced Care Management to receive Community Supports.

Different Community Supports are available depending on the county where you live.

Available in all counties

Housing Transition Navigation Services

Helps you find services for your housing needs. This could include finding housing if you’re homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Housing Deposits

Provides a housing deposit and other expenses to help you set up a home.

Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services

Helps you keep safe and stable housing once you have a place to live. Services may include training, education, and coaching. You may also get support with your duties, rights, and benefits as a tenant.

Short-Term Post-Hospitalization Housing
Where you can continue to get better after being in the hospital. Also applies after being in other care settings. May include medical, psychiatric, or substance use issues.

Day Habilitation Programs

Helps you gain the skills and services needed to live in your community. Services may include mentoring. This can help you learn about jobs, manage money, and improve social skills.
Respite Services (for Caregivers)
Provides a brief break or relief for your caregiver.

Nursing Facility Transition/Diversion to Assisted Living Facilities

Helps you find a place to live in the community. The goal is to help you go from a nursing facility to a home-like setting.

Community Transition Services/Nursing Facility Transition to a Home

Helps you live and stay in the community. Helps with your costs to go from a nursing facility to a home where you’ll be responsible for your living costs.
Personal Care and Homemaker Services
Helps you with daily activities so you can live at home. This can include help with bathing, dressing, and feeding. You may also get help preparing meals, grocery shopping, and doing laundry. This may also include accompanied medical appointments.

Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home Modifications)

Helps you modify your home to ensure your health, wellbeing, and safety. These changes may help you live better at home independently.

Medically Tailored Meals/Medically Supportive Foods

Brings meals to your home after you leave the hospital. May also apply after you leave a nursing facility or at other critical times. Meals are tailored to your nutrition needs.

Asthma Remediation

Helps you modify your home to ensure your health, wellbeing, and safety. These changes can help you live in your home without acute asthma episodes.

Recuperative Care (Medical Respite)

A safe place for you to recover for a short time after being in the hospital. You can get medical or behavioral health treatment while in a home-like setting.


Available in some counties

Sobering Centers

Where an intoxicated person may become sober. You may also be referred to services. These are safe and supportive places.2

To find out which supports are available in your area, call us at the phone numbers listed below.

2 Available in all counties except Contra Costa, Marin, Mariposa, Napa, Placer, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, Ventura, and Yolo

Kaiser Permanente offers Community Health Worker (CHW) services at no cost to Medi-Cal members who qualify. A CHW is a non-clinical health professional. This means they are not a doctor, nurse, or social worker. They are a trusted member of your community who can help guide you through the healthcare system. They can offer you the support you need to reach your health goals. You may also know them as promotores, navigators or community health representatives. 

CHWs provide a wide range of support services. Here are some examples of how they can help you:

  • Provide cultural or language support to understand your healthcare options
  • Share information about your health condition
  • Guide you to government programs and local resources, like food or transportation
  • Go with you to doctor’s appointments
  • Support you with issues related to domestic or community violence

Community Health Worker services do not include:

  • Clinical services or other services that require a license
  • Childcare
  • Chores, such as shopping, cooking, or driving
  • Socializing or companion services
  • Employment services
  • Delivery of medication, medical equipment, or medical supplies

Most Medi-Cal members may qualify for CHW services. If you need non-clinical support to reach your health goals, you may qualify.

You are not eligible to receive CHW services if you are enrolled in Enhanced Care Management.

How can I enroll in Enhanced Care Management or get Community Supports or work with a Community Health Worker?

To learn more, call us Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Justice Involved Liaison

Kaiser Permanente’s Justice Involved Liaison (JIL) supports our members as they transition from incarceration into the community. The JIL coordinates care between correctional facilities, pre-release care management providers, and ECM providers. To contact our Justice Involved Liaison, email or call 626-405-5386.