Endurance Lab

Our Endurance Lab is an important part of our comprehensive sports medicine program. We use advanced physiological testing and biomechanical assessments to help athletes of all levels reach their fitness goals. Whether you’re training for your next triathlon, want to be a professional athlete, or are a recreational fitness enthusiast, our modern equipment and evidence-based care will help you achieve winning results. The Endurance Lab is located at Golden 1 Center and is available to both Kaiser Permanente members and nonmembers.

Endurance Lab services

Metabolic efficiency measures how well your body uses its stored fat as an energy source during exercise. Burning fat as fuel can be significantly improved by phasing nutrition with training. If you’re an endurance athlete, ingesting as many calories as you expend is impossible. The key is to improve your ability to effectively tap fat stores for fuel, and push utilization of this energy source out at increasing intensities. This can benefit every endurance athlete from road cyclists and trail runners to triathletes.

This test will inform you of:

  • Caloric expenditure at various heart rates and pace or watts
  • Peak fat burning zone based on heart rate and pace or watts
  • Lactate levels for your various metabolic zones
  • Ways to increase fat utilization and preserve carbohydrate stores, decreasing the amount of fuel replenishment required
  • How to phase nutrition with training to maximize fitness results

Are you looking to lose a bit of weight, or understand why your fitness level is reaching a plateau? The Lifestyle Metabolic Assessment is an abbreviated protocol of our Performance Metabolic Efficiency Assessment and is ideal for people who want to maximize their body’s fat burning potential.

With this test, we can help you pinpoint your peak fat burning zone, based on heart rate and pace or watts. This information, coupled with phasing training with nutrition, will help you more efficiently reach your weight loss and fitness goals.

This test will inform you of:

  • Caloric expenditure at various heart rates and pace or watts
  • Peak fat burning zone based on heart rate and pace or watts
  • Ways to increase fat utilization, so you can burn more fat
  • How to phase nutrition with training to maximize your results

The Resting Metabolic Rate Assessment provides evidence-based, personalized daily caloric targets to help you lose or maintain weight. It’s the most accurate way to measure how many calories you burn at rest, and the ratio of carbohydrates to fats your body is utilizing at rest.

At the end of this test, you’ll know:

  • Your individual, scientifically derived baseline daily caloric requirements
  • How your body uses fats and carbohydrates for fuel at rest

VO2 max testing is conducted by cycling on your own bike or on a Wahoo KICKR, or running on the treadmill. Using our Vmax metabolic cart, this test identifies ventilatory threshold and is the best indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance.

Specifically, this test will provide you with:

  • A measure of your cardiorespiratory fitness and aerobic performance potential. Understand your heart’s ability, at maximum effort, to pump oxygen-rich blood, and your working muscles’ ability to efficiently extract and use oxygen.
  • An estimate of your body’s utilization of fats and carbohydrates over a spectrum of increasing intensity.

Lactate threshold is an important predictor of performance in endurance events, and the gold standard to develop accurate training zones. Lactate is a by-product of metabolic activity during exercise. Its production increases with exercise intensity. With proper training, you can effectively improve your lactate threshold (your body’s ability to more effectively buffer and metabolize lactate) as well as your lactate threshold as a percentage of your VO2 max.

This testing provides you with critical information to improve training and maximize training time investment:

  • Heart rate at lactate threshold — to scientifically determine training zones based on heart rate
  • Pace or watts at lactate threshold — to scientifically determine training zones based on pace or watts
  • Assessment of fitness, to specifically identify areas of fitness that you can improve with training
  • Insights into muscle fiber makeup: Are you a fast-twitch or slow-twitch type of athlete?

Our gait analysis can benefit walkers, hikers, and runners. Following an interview, a strength and flexibility assessment, and a video session capturing side and posterior views on the treadmill, SIMI® Motion Capture software is used to identify key moments in your gait cycle and analyze hip and knee angles, torso angle, pelvic stability, and foot position.* Our gait analysis system can help uncover specific strength imbalances and movement impairments that may cause pain, have the potential to lead to injury, or inhibit performance. Once identified, we can provide strategies to address these underlying issues, while changing as little as possible with your gait.

The analysis includes:

  • A detailed report with key images and a written summary
  • SIMI® Motion Capture video analysis of key gait phases
  • Science-derived activation, stability-mobility, and strengthening exercises to help address your specific gait imbalances
  • Advice on proper body and joint position to optimize power and efficiency while helping to reduce ground forces

During our 2D and 3D bike fits, we take time to understand your personal goals, fitness, current training, and history. We also spend time understanding how you present off the bike to properly fit the bike to your specific ranges of motion and flexibility. We use these individual “specs” to guide the manipulation of the bike, resulting in a position that optimizes comfort, power output, and performance. Finally, understanding that improving fit is much more than simply manipulating the bike, we provide suggestions and specific off-bike exercise strategies to improve the on-bike experience.

 Fundamentals 2D SIMI Motion Fit 3D SIMI Motion Fit
Explanation of efficient pedaling biomechanics and technique X X
In-depth 20-point physical and flexibility assessment X X
Tailored to fit personal range of motion and flexibility, biomechanical strengths and relative deficits X X
Balancing comfort with the optimal power output/aerodynamic position                                                                            X X
Advanced cleat, saddle and handlebar positioning                                                                                                               X X
Instruction on proper use of arch supports and stance width adjustments X X
Positioning to accomodate for specific medical issues (e.g. back pain, arthritis, joint replacement, etc.) X X
SIMI Motion Capture video analysis utilized to capture side view positioning with identification of key pedal stroke positions to ensure accurate joint angle calculations. Frontal view analyzed using motion capture and lasers to reference knee tracking to determine biomechanical efficiency X X
Guidance on how to improve flexibility, strength and neuromuscular activation to optimize muscle recruitment, biomechanics, position, and power output X X
Report (with video) of lower body side position key pedal stroke positions (pre and post fit) as well as pre and post measurements X X
Report (with video) of upper and lower body sagittal and posterior views of key pedal stroke positions (pre and post fit from the sagittal and posterior view) as well as pre and post measurements provided   X
Identification of potential underlying issues contributing and/or leading to back and knee pain/over-use injury   X


A completed intake form and medical clearance by sports medicine and cardiology physicians are required prior to services being rendered.

Endurance Lab staff

Jason Brayley, MD

Jason Brayley, MD

Medical Director, Sports Medicine and Athletic Performance, Chief of Sports Medicine, Greater Sacramento, Co-Director Sports Medicine Center

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Susan Joy, MD

Susan Joy, MD

Co-Director, Kaiser Permanente Sports Medicine Center

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Julie Young, MS

Julie Young, MS

Sports Science Specialist

Julie Young is a former U.S. National A-Team and World Tour pro cyclist. Through her extensive racing career at the elite international level, she brings firsthand knowledge of science-based, individualized training combined with nutrition, mental conditioning, and race tactics to produce winning results.

Julie is considered one of America’s most dominant European stage racers of her era, as a 12-year U.S. and World Tour pro cyclist, a U.S. National A-Team cyclist, and 6-time UCI Road World Championship team cyclist. Currently, she is focused on cyclocross and mountain bike events. Her recent accomplishments have been on her single-speed mountain bike: placing 1st overall in the pro/amateur division of the Tahoe Trails race, 1st overall amateur Carson Epic, and winning the women’s division and placing 6th overall in the pro category at the Leadville 100.

Her expertise gained while working with the sport’s most prominent physiologists and coaches provides a solid background in a variety of training methodologies. Julie has a Master of Science in sports science and human performance. She is also a certified Specialized Body Geometry bike fit technician and a certified Medicine of Cycling bike fitter. She studied and mentored at Exos Training Center, formerly Athletes’ Performance, and completed a 6-month fellowship in Advanced Functional Biomechanics of the Lower Quarter with Dr. Chris Powers at the USC-affiliated Movement Performance Institute.

Julie is a graduate of UCLA, where she earned status as a NCAA Academic All-American.As one client shared, “I’m achieving things that I’ve never done before. Julie helps me see my potential.”

Call us to schedule an appointment

To schedule an appointment at the Endurance Lab, give us a call at 916-326-8217


Email us to schedule an appointment

To schedule an appointment at the Endurance Lab, email us at SMC-Endurance-Lab@kp.org

Endurance Lab pricing

Service Price
Performance Metabolic Efficiency Assessment $290.00
Lifestyle Metabolic Assessment $200.00
Resting Metabolic Rate Assessment $175.00
Vo2 Max Testing $175.00
Lactate Testing $175.00
Motion Capture Gait Analysis $275.00
2D Motion Capture Bike Fit – Road / Mountain Bikes $275.00
2D Motion Capture Bike Fit – Time-Trial Bikes $300.00
3D Motion Capture Bike Fit – Road / Mountain Bikes $350.00
3D Motion Capture Bike Fit – Time-Trial Bikes $400.00
**Prices are subject to change. Please call (916) 326-8217 or email SMC-Endurance-Lab@kp.org.
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“The Endurance Lab is an integral part of my training as a professional cyclist. The comprehensive testing and assessments are key to understanding body dynamics and efficiency, and how I need to train to reach the highest levels in my sport.”

— Caroline Nolan | Endurance Lab client


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