Access to mental health and wellness support

No matter where you are on your mental health journey, we’re with you every step of the way. At Kaiser Permanente, you can get help navigating major life events like being pregnant or caring for a newborn, or for managing issues like stress, depression, or substance use. Whatever you may be going through, we’ll connect you to the support you need.
Desktop and smartphone devices

Support is just a click away

Take a mental health assessment

Take an online survey to assess symptoms of depression, and get options for what to do next.

24/7 emotional support

Get the Headspace Care app (formerly called Ginger) and text with your emotional support coach anytime, anywhere. This app is available to members at no cost.

Check your appointment

Find details for any upcoming appointments you’ve booked with a Kaiser Permanente mental health or addiction medicine clinician.

Appointment services receptionist

Call for a mental health appointment

When you call, we’ll assess your needs and offer you a phone, video, or in-person appointment with a mental health and addiction medicine specialist, if appropriate, for nonurgent mental health or addiction medicine concerns. You don't need a referral to access these services from a Kaiser Permanente provider.


County Phone
Antioch 925-777-6300
Campbell 408-366-4400
Clovis 559-324-5100
Elk Grove 916-525-6100
Fairfield 707-366-3600
Folsom 916-973-5300
Fremont 510-248-3060
Fresno 559-448-4620
Gilroy 408-972-3095
Milpitas 408-945-2915
Modesto 1-855-268-4096
Mountain View  650-903-2850
Napa 707-645-2700
Oakland  510-752-1075
Petaluma 415-491-3000
Pleasanton 925-847-5051
Rancho Cordova 916-973-5300
Redwood City 650-299-4777
Richmond 510-307-1591
Roseville 916-973-5300
San Jose 408-972-3095
Sacramento 916-973-5300
San Francisco 415-833-2292
San Mateo 650-627-1700
San Rafael 415-491-3000
Santa Clara 408-366-4400
Santa Cruz 831-768-6736
Santa Rosa 707-571-3778
Scotts Valley 831-768-6736
South Sacramento 916-525-6100
South San Francisco 650-991-6200
Stockton: 1-855-268-4096
Tracy 1-855-268-4096
Union City 510-675-3080





Walnut Creek




Access concerns

Have concerns or need help accessing mental health or substance use services?

Call us at 1-800-390-3503, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

National 24/7 suicide and mental health-related crisis lifeline

If you need addiction or mental health-related crisis support, or are worried about someone else, you can also call or text 988 (TTY 711 ) or visit the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline’s chat for free, confidential support with a trained crisis counselor. The lifeline is provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 

Explore emotional wellness and self-care apps

When stress and negative emotions take over, you can feel overwhelmed, anxious, and exhausted. These apps can offer in-the-moment and ongoing support to help you make positive changes and become more mentally and emotionally strong. And they’re available to members at no cost. Try them today for help with stress, mood, sleep, relationships, and more. 

Calm and myStrength

With features like meditations, videos, interactive programs, and more, these self-care apps are proven effective, easy to use, and recommended by Kaiser Permanente clinicians. 

Headspace Care 

Activities, podcasts, videos, and more — available anytime on demand. The app also makes personalized recommendations and offers 1-on-1 emotional support via text. 

Person using an app on their smartphone

California Senate Bill 855

Details on compliance guidelines and associated trainings mandated by SB 855 are available here.