Couples Communication

Online classes and resources
Open to the public
90 minutes
To register, please click here for the next available webinar.

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About this program

The heart of a healthy relationship is good communication. Learn ways to bring up difficult topics, reduce defensiveness, and understand each other’s perspective. Specifically designed for couples in a committed relationship.

Regional Behavioral Health Virtual Classes- ON24 Platform

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the ON24 platform?

ON24 platform is an internet-based tool. Virtual classes are delivered entirely on the Web using standard Web browser technology.

2. Do I need to download any specific software?

No.  Virtual classes are delivered entirely through standard web browsers.

3. What type of computer or mobile device should be used?

Virtual class presentations using the ON24 platform are compatible with PCs and Macs, Android, IOS, and Windows mobile devices that have strong internet connections.

4. Who can register and attend Regional Behavioral Health classes?

The classes are open to the KP community (KP members, non-members, employees, and physicians). You do not need to be a Kaiser Permanente member to attend. There is no cost to attend the virtual classes. Registration can be done by a Kaiser Permanente provider on the attendee’s behalf, or the attendee can self-register via the ON24 multi-registration site links below.

5. How do I register for a Regional Behavioral Health ON24 class?

You can register online by selecting the multi-registration site link below for English classes.

Most virtual class series are comprised of four, 90-minute independent classes. Attendees can join at any point in the series.  Select one or all 4 topics to complete registration. Please select each class  you would like to attend as each class has a unique joining link. The class series restarts approximately every 4 weeks.

Once registration is complete, the attendee will receive an email message that confirms enrollment and includes the information needed to join the selected class(es).

6. Do you need to register for every class?

Yes. There is one joining link for each class topic. When you click on the ON24 platform registration link it will open a page with specific class dates and times, and you click on the dates you want to register for.

7. Will I be able to ask questions during the class?

Yes. There is a chat feature that can be used to ask questions during a live class. Only the class host and moderator view the questions. Please do not include Protected Health Information (PHI).

8. Will others see my name and see any questions and comments I may share?

Only the class host and moderator see attendee names, questions and comments entered via the chat feature. Please do not include any Protected Health Information (PHI) when asking a question or sharing a comment.

9. If I am not able to attend the live class, is there a way that I can view the class information?

Yes. Anyone that has registered for a specific class will receive an email after the live class ends with a link to view the recorded class. The link is active for 21 days until the next live class on the same topic.

10. What if I want more information about the classes offered?

Visit Kaiser Permanente Southern California Mental Health and Wellness website- for information about the virtual classes, helpful resource information, and informational videos on numerous mental health and wellness topics.


The Couples Communication Webinars are a series of five independent 90-minute virtual classes. Each class will focus on a specific topic dealing with an aspect of what makes a lasting relationship work. You may begin the series at any point; all four seminars are recommended. Classes are offered on-demand or on Wedensdays starting at 7:00 PM PDT.

The topics are:

  • Couples Communication: Managing Conflict in Relationships
  • Couples Communication: Intimacy in Lasting Relationships
  • Couples Communication: Proactive Relationship Strategies
  • Couples Communication: The Art of Communication
  • Couples Communication: Managing Conflict in Relationships