Your pregnancy: weeks 9 to 12

Your baby

Your little one is moving around, but you might not feel it just yet. Believe it or not, most critical development is already complete. By the end of week 12, your baby will be 2 to 3 inches long and weigh about 1 ounce. Grow, baby, grow!

If you haven’t had your first prenatal appointment yet, make sure you schedule it! We’ll want to see you — and your baby, via ultrasound — sometime between weeks 7 and 12.

What's happening this week?

Your body

You may not have a baby bump yet, but you probably feel pregnant by now. For some, this is when morning sickness is at its worst. If you’re struggling, try these tips for managing morning sickness. Over the next 4 weeks, your uterus will go from weighing about 1 ounce to more than 2 pounds. You might feel some cramping as it expands to make room for your little one.

Speaking of growing, are your clothes getting tight? You may need a more supportive bra in a bigger size soon. Right now anything with an elastic waistband is your friend — but if you want to wear your favorite jeans a little longer, use a rubber band to add an inch or two. Just loop the band around the button, pull one end through the buttonhole, and loop that end back around the button.

Your to-do list

  • If you haven’t already, schedule your first prenatal visit.
  • If you’re a Kaiser Permanente member, make sure you’re registered on so you can email your doctor’s office with questions, keep track of your prenatal appointments, and more online.
  • Download our pregnancy and childbirth podcast — guided meditation to support you during pregnancy and help prepare you for childbirth.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially if you’re nauseous or vomiting. Keep a water bottle nearby as a reminder to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
  • Learn what you can do to relieve common discomforts.