About Me

Welcome to my Web page. I am glad to have the opportunity to present my credentials to you and share other information about myself. It is very important that you feel comfortable with your personal physician, and I hope this page will help you start to get to know me.


I am an ABC (American-born Chinese) and was born in New Jersey. My family moved to Irvine in 1979 when the city was nothing more than a few tract homes and orange groves. I went on to attend UC Irvine, where I received a degree in biology. I taught physics there for two years before going to Midwestern University in Illinois to receive my medical degree in osteopathic medicine. After four years in Chicago, I came back to California to complete a family medicine residency at USC California Hospital and was the chief resident my final year. I worked part-time for a year in the Emergency Department at California Hospital before joining Kaiser Permanente in 2006.

About my practice

My clinic is at the West Covina Medical Offices, near Baldwin Park Medical Center. In addition to my clinic duties, I practice inpatient medicine and urgent care at Baldwin Park Medical Center and serve as the diabetes champion for San Gabriel Valley. There is nothing more important to me than my relationship with our members. I strive to make every visit as comfortable as possible so that everyone can fully express his or her concerns and questions. It's very important for a member to have a clear understanding of how, why, and what is being treated, and have no questions unanswered before leaving their physician. In addition, I believe that laughter can cure many ailments.

How I thrive

I am a strong believer in eating healthily and getting plenty of exercise. Although many do not consider golf a sport, I am an avid golfer. I also enjoy tennis, basketball, skiing, photography, snowboarding, hiking, and various other outdoor activities. I spend my time away from work with my wonderful wife, our two sons, and our Golden Retriever.