About Me

I was born and raised in Boise, Idaho. My family is originally from the Basque Country in northern Spain, and my parents, grandparents, and extended family instilled in me (and my sisters) a deep respect for our ancestors and cultural heritage. As a young adult, I spent a couple of years living in the Basque Country, trying to learn the language and creating my own personal connections to our family roots. These experiences have had a big influence on what I now identify as my core values: compassion, authenticity, courage, wisdom, hard work, and social justice.

About my practice

As a behavioral health consultant in primary care, I usually work with folks over just a few visits. The main goal is to help patients improve their physical and emotional health by emphasizing the mind-body connection and practicing concrete tools and strategies for promoting wellness. My hope is that patients feel understood, respected, and empowered to be and do more of what is most important to them in their lives.

How I thrive

I Thrive by spending quality time with my family and friends, focusing on what I have the power to influence, and laughing often. Gardening helps to keep me grounded, and good sleep is the magic that holds it all together for me.