Pay medical bills

Kaiser Permanente Authorization for Online Bill Payment

Credit Card or Debit Card Payment
To pay your Kaiser Permanente bill from your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover card, you have authorized Kaiser Permanente to initiate a charge to your credit/debit card account.

Authorization for payment by credit or debit card

  • I certify that I am the account holder or an authorized user of this credit/debit card. I understand and agree Kaiser Permanente’s terms and conditions. I authorize Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. to initiate charges to my card account for payment of my Kaiser Permanente medical services bill as indicated by Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. 
  • If the agreed upon payment date falls on a weekend or holiday, I understand that the payments may be executed on the next business day. This authorization is valid until the completion of the payment plan, however, if I need to cancel sooner, I must contact Kaiser Permanente to make alternative payment arrangements.

Bank checking or savings account payment
To pay your Kaiser Permanente bill from your bank account, you have authorized Kaiser Permanente to initiate a deduction of funds from your checking or savings account.

Paying from your checking/savings account

  • When you pay from your checking/savings account, you are allowing Kaiser Permanente to use information from your account to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account. When Kaiser Permanente uses information from your checking/savings account to make an electronic fund transfer, Kaiser Permanente may withdraw funds from your account as soon as the same day you make your payment.
  • If your payment is returned unpaid, then you agree for Kaiser Permanente to collect the returned item fee (minimum $25) from your account.

Authorization for payment

  • I have authorized my payment to be processed as an electronic fund transfer (EFT) from my checking or savings account and, if necessary, to have my account electronically credited and/or debited to correct erroneous transactions. I certify that I am an account holder of the checking/savings account.
  • This authorization is valid until the completion of the payment plan, however, if I need to cancel sooner, I must contact Kaiser Permanente to make alternative payment arrangements.

Authorization for recurring payment deductions
I have authorized Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. to initiate charges to my card account on the established, agreed upon payment plan installment dates, and for the established, agreed upon payment plan installment amounts to pay my Kaiser Permanente medical services bill. I agree to promptly notify Kaiser Permanente if my account number, card expiration date or other payment information changes.

How payment service works

Your card will be charged for the amount you indicate on the date established in your agreed payment plan. If the agreed upon payment date falls on a weekend or holiday, you understand that the payments may be executed on the next business day. You understand and agree that if a payment transaction fails to go through or is returned unpaid, for any reason, Kaiser Permanente may resubmit it, one or more tim es, and on different dates, to attempt to successfully complete the transaction.

For questions, modification, or cancellation regarding your payment plan

  • Contact Kaiser Permanente at 800-813-2000 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • At any time, you may pay more than your established monthly payment amount.

Authorization to automatically add new outstanding balances to existing payment plans

  • If you incur additional balances prior to the completion of the agreed upon payment plan, you authorize Kaiser Permanente to add those balances to your existing plan and automatically extend the payment plan duration (length of the payment plan) to cover those additional balances. The amount of your monthly payments will remain the same. 
  • If you are the guarantor and other balances are incurred, including for other persons for which you are responsible, you authorize us to automatically add to your existing payment plan. 
  • If you need to modify the terms of your payment plan you can visit

Default on payment plan installments
If you fail to pay the amount due on your payment plan, your account could be referred to a collection agency, you may be charged fees and charges by the collection agency, and we may report your account to a credit reporting agency.

Storage of payment method

  • You have the option of storing your credit/debit card or banking information for future use. You can change your payment method or update stored information at any time by visiting
  • For recurring payments, you have authorized us to store your payment method and use it for amounts owed on the payment plan.

Notice to Colorado residents
Colorado Revised Statutes Section 6-20-202

Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Section 6-20-202(1)(b), we are required to inform you of the last date we will accept your payment prior to sending your account to a collection agency or reporting adverse information concerning your account to a credit reporting agency. Due to the requirements of Colorado revised Statutes Section 6-20-202(1)(b), we reserve the right to forward your account to a collection agency or report adverse information concerning your account to a credit reporting agency at any time after (30) days after the date of this notice unless you have paid your account prior to such date.

Notice to California residents

Hospital Bill Complaint program
The Hospital Bill Complaint program is a state program, which reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help paying your hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint program. For more information or to file a complaint, go to

Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
In the event your account has been assigned to a collection agency, state and federal law requires debt collectors to treat you fairly and prohibits debt collectors from making false statement or threats of violence, using obscene or profane language, and making improper communications with third parties, including your employer. Except under unusual circumstances, debt collectors may not contact you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. In general, a debt collector may not give information about your debt to another person, other than your attorney or spouse. A debt collector may contact another person to confirm your location or to enforce a judgment. For more information about debt collection activities, contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357) (TTY 711) or go to Nonprofit credit counseling services may be available in your area.

Help Paying Your Bills
There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will help you understand the billing and payment process. For more information, call the Health Consumer Alliance at 1-888-804-3536 (TTY 711) or go to

Other resources may be available.
We are here to support you however we can.

  • If you don’t have health care coverage and would like to learn more about your coverage options, call us at 1-800-479-5764 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • If you need help with essentials like housing, childcare, or food, Thrive Local Connections can help connect you to resources in your community. Call 1-800-443-6328 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Language assistance

For language assistance or help understanding this information, call the following numbers based on your area of residence, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except major holidays. We can also help you with auxiliary aids and alternative formats.

Please print a copy of these terms and conditions and keep them in your file.