What do Albert Einstein, Simone Biles, Frida Kahlo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelle Obama all have in common? Each of these famous figures has kept a journal or diary to record their experiences, thoughts, or feelings. Kahlo and da Vinci even used illustrations to express emotions and sketch out ideas.
How journaling can help you
From scientists to artists — and everyone in between — keeping a journal can be an important self-care practice. In fact, journaling can help you in the following ways.
Achieve goals
When you use your journal to write down your goals, you can keep better track of your intentions. This will help you stay accountable and serve as a reminder of what you need to do to reach your goals. Be sure to get specific.
Track progress and growth
If you make journaling a regular habit, you can see how much progress or growth you’ve made by revisiting previous entries.
Gain self-confidence
Seeing your progress can also give you a serious confidence boost. You can feel proud looking back at the challenges you faced and seeing how far you’ve come.
Improve writing and communication skills
Writing, like anything, improves with practice. When you journal every day, you’re practicing the art of writing. And if you use a journal to express your thoughts and ideas, it can help improve your communication skills.
Reduce stress and anxiety
Sometimes negative thoughts and emotions can run on a loop in our heads. This can be stressful when you’re dealing with a challenging situation. And it can even make your present situation feel worse. But if you stop and put your emotions down on paper, it can help you release negative thoughts from your mind. As you write, you may even come up with a solution you hadn’t thought of before.
Find inspiration
Leonardo da Vinci drew some incredible invention ideas in his journals. Like him, you can also use your journaling time to brainstorm or let your imagination run wild. The inspiration that may pop up while you’re writing or sketching might even surprise you.
Increase self-awareness
Writing about your successes and your setbacks can help you learn from your experiences. A study of medical students showed that when they wrote about a training activity they were involved in, it helped them spot mistakes they made, see ways to improve, and feel more prepared for the future.*
Explore the many different types of journaling
Ready to start but not sure how? Here are a few different types of journaling options to consider.
Stream of consciousness
Write down your thoughts as they happen. The words and thoughts don’t need to make sense, you’re simply capturing your thoughts as they come to you.
Dream journal
Take note of your dreams each night as a way of getting in touch with your subconscious. Remember to make your journal entries right when you wake up.
Food journal
Make a note of what you’ve eaten each day. This will help you be more mindful about the foods you choose to eat. If you’re struggling with a healthy weight-loss journey, documenting what you eat can offer insight into areas you may need to change.
Fitness journal
Keep track of your workouts so you can stay committed to an active lifestyle. The best part of keeping this type of journal is seeing the progress you made over time.
Gratitude journal
Before going to sleep, make a list of everything you were thankful for that day, week, or month.
Sketch journal
Express your feelings, thoughts, and ideas through illustrations, doodles, or sketches.
Day’s events journal
Keep track of your experiences throughout the day. Whether it’s making note of a funny conversation or describing a new recipe you enjoyed.
To-do list
Instead of keeping a running tally of to-do items in your head, write them down. You can cross things off as you complete them and get a great sense of accomplishment.
No matter which type of journal you decide to keep, remember there is no right or wrong approach. It’s all up to you. The simple act of taking the time to get in touch with your mind, body, and spirit is what’s truly important.
Explore mental health and wellness resources
Choose from a broad range of on-demand self-care resources, including self-care apps to help with stress, sleep, anxiety, and more.