Nurse preparing a patient’s arm for vaccination.

Get vaccinated at Kaiser Permanente

To make a vaccination appointment, you’ll need to log in to Please select the link below that applies to you.

I'm a Kaiser Permanente member or I'm a caregiver for a member

Sign in to your account

If you're not signed up for, register for an account


I'm not a Kaiser Permanente member

If you already have an account on, sign in and register to get vaccinated

If you’re not signed up on, register for an account to get vaccinated

If you haven’t yet created an account on, register now. Or if you already have an account on, sign in

A group of people wearing masks.

We're vaccinating people 12 and up

Getting the COVID-19 vaccine is the fastest way back to all those moments you’ve been missing — and the best way to keep your loved ones safe and healthy.