Working from home can be hard, because you lose the controlled setting usually found in a workplace. There might be noise, people, kids, pets, and other things that make it hard to focus. Here are some ideas that might help.

Schedule a start and end to each day. Work within the hours you set up for yourself to avoid getting burned out. When your work hours end, walk away from your work area so you aren't tempted to keep working.

Keep your work hours the same. If you can, stick with your schedule after you decide on your work hours. This will help others know when you're available for work or at home.

Let people at work and home know your office hours. Try adding your new work hours to your email signature. Make a sign to post near your workspace at home to let people in your house know when you're working.

Build breaks into your schedule. Take short breaks throughout the day. Use that time to stretch, go for a walk, or check in with family or friends.

Plan ahead, but be ready to pivot. When something disrupts your plans, make a list of things that need to be done right away. Decide which tasks can wait, and move those to another day.