Scheduled phone visits

Schedule an appointment to talk with your doctor, a specialist, or an available clinician over the phone. 


Routine care

Monday to Friday
8 a.m to 6 p.m

Specialty care

Monday to Friday
8 a.m to 5 p.m

Check to see if same-day or next-day appointments are available.
Upfront cost

for KP members
No additional cost share


Due to IRS rules, if you have an HSA-qualified high deductible health plan (HDHP), you’ll pay the full cost for scheduled phone and video visits until you reach your deductible. Once you reach your deductible, your copay will be $0.

How to get care

Gwinnett County employees call 404-760-3549 (TTY 711) for appointments.   

When should I use scheduled phone visits?


If you travel out of state, phone appointments and video visits may not be available due to state laws that may prevent doctors from providing care across state lines. Laws differ by state.