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Shane Nelson Manning, DPM

Photo of Shane Nelson Manning, DPM
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My specialty:

My provider affiliation:
Kaiser Permanente medical center provider

I speak: English

My gender: Male

Where I practice

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Available services
  • Emergency service
  • Urgent care services
  • After-hours services
  • Pharmacy services
Unavailable services
  • No emergency services
  • No urgent care services
  • No after-hours services
  • No pharmacy services
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About me

I was born in Utah and graduated from Weber State University with a bachelor's degree in medical technology. I worked for two years as a medical technologist with a specialty in chemistry. I then attended Des Moines University (College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery) and graduated with top honors in 2002. I completed my three-year training in foot and ankle surgery at St. Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. Since then, I have worked with multi-specialty groups and a number of orthopedic groups. I chose to come to Kaiser Permanente because I felt like private practice did not provide the opportunity to take the necessary time to get to know my patients. I love working at Kaiser Permanente because their goals and my goals seem to align in putting patients first and providing high-quality health care.

About my practice

I am dedicated to giving you the best possible foot and ankle care. My practice consists of non-surgical and surgical treatment of foot and ankle disorders. My goal is to develop treatment plans that are individualized for each member.

How I thrive

My family and I try to stay active in the community. We take part in a spinning class multiple times each week, and we love to get outdoors and explore.

My office

Languages spoken by medical staff

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My training, certifications and licensing

Professional school

Des Moines University of Podiatric Medicine & Surgery
Des Moines , IA



American Board Podiatric Surgery

To verify board certification for an individual practitioner, please visit the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Medical Association, or the American Osteopathic Association websites.

Professional training


St. Vincent Charity Hospital
Cleveland , OH

To find:

  • a Kaiser Permanente provider’s office hours, search our facility directory
  • Kaiser Permanente providers accepting new patients, call 1-404-365-0966, 1-800-611-1811 (toll free), or 711 (TTY for the hearing/speech impaired)
  • affiliated providers’ office hours or whether they are accepting new patients, call their offices directly

The information in this online directory is updated periodically. The availability of physicians, hospitals, providers, and services may change. Before receiving care at a facility, select that location in our directory and verify the accepted plan types under "About this facility" to make sure it is available in your plan. If no plan types are listed, the facility is available for all plan types.

Medicare Members: To request a hard copy of Kaiser Permanente’s provider directory, please call our Member Services department at 1-800-232-4404, seven days a week, 8 a.m to 8 p.m. Kaiser Permanente will mail a hard copy of the provider directory to you within three (3) business days of your request. Kaiser Permanente may ask whether your request for a hard copy is a one-time request or if you are requesting to receive the provider directory in hard copy permanently.

If you request it, your request for hard copies of the provider directory remains until you leave Kaiser Permanente or request that hard copies be discontinued.

Kaiser Permanente uses the same quality, member experience, or cost-related measures to select providers and facilities in Marketplace Silver-tier plans as it does for all other Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP) products and lines of business. The measures may include, but are not limited to, HEDIS/CAHPS performance, member/patient complaints, patient safety scores, hospital quality measures, and geographic need. Members enrolled in KFHP Marketplace plans have access to all professional, institutional and ancillary health care providers who participate in KFHP plans' contracted provider network, in accordance with the terms of the members' KFHP plan of coverage. All Kaiser Permanente Medical Group physicians and network physicians are subject to the same quality review processes and certifications.

Kaiser Permanente uses the same geographic distribution consideration to select hospitals in Marketplace plans as it does for all other Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP) products and lines of business.

Information about a provider is provided to us by the provider or the provider's network, or is obtained as part of the credentialing process. Board certification may not reflect contracted services available from providers listed in our directory. If you have questions regarding this or about any of our providers, call us at 1-800-611-1811 (toll free). For the hearing and speech impaired: 1-888-865-5813 or 711 (TTY). You can also call the Georgia Composite Medical Board at 404-656-3913, or visit their website.

This page was last updated on: 03/29/2025