Luke J Beno, MD

I speak: English, Spanish
My gender: Male
About me
Growing up in a medical family - my grandmother and aunt were nurses and my mother was a pharmacist - it seemed inevitable that I would go into medicine. I was always fascinated by how the body works and how physicians care for individuals when things go wrong. Several teachers encouraged me go into medicine, especially my fourth grade teacher.I originally planned to be a surgeon but chose pediatrics, with its emphasis on preventing disease and working with families to help children grow up healthy, after being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer while in medical school.
About my practice
In addition to general pediatrics, I concentrate on three medical challenges with children: I help other physicians diagnose and treat overweight children and prevent type 2 diabetes. I evaluate children suspected of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or learning problems and teach other physicians how to diagnose and treat ADHD. I also work with our HIV prevention group to educate parents, children and staff about HIV and actively work to help prevent HIV infection within our Kaiser Permanente region.Teaching others is a big part of my life. I previously served as chief of medical education for our medical group and am on the medical staff of Emory University.
How I thrive
I believe in challenging myself to both learn new things and be physically fit. I lift weights regularly and have completed many road races and triathlons, including an Ironman race.I love traveling and learning new languages before visiting a new country. I am fluent in Spanish and practice it with my Hispanic patients and on my yearly medical mission trip to Honduras. I am currently learning Tagalog, the language of the Philippines, as I plan to visit the Philippines soon. My goal is to learn all the languages of my ethnicity, including Norwegian, Swedish, French, Flemish, German and Cherokee.In my spare time, I hang out with my three English Springer Spaniels and sing with a local community chorus.
Medical groups and plans
The Southeast Permanente Medical Group
Kaiser Permanente Cascade Medical Center
My training, certifications and licensing
Medical school
New York Medical CollegeBoard certification
American Board Pediatrics
American Board PediatricsTo verify board certification for an individual practitioner, please visit the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Medical Association, or the American Osteopathic Association websites.
Medical training
Children's Hospital Medical CenterResidency
Children's Hospital Medical CenterJoined Permanente Medical Group
This information is not available at this time.Provider ID
2654My hospitals
This information is not available at this time.
To find:
- a Kaiser Permanente provider’s office hours, search our facility directory
- Kaiser Permanente providers accepting new patients, call 1-404-365-0966, 1-800-611-1811 (toll free), or 711 (TTY for the hearing/speech impaired)
- affiliated providers’ office hours or whether they are accepting new patients, call their offices directly
The information in this online directory is updated periodically. The availability of physicians, hospitals, providers, and services may change. Before receiving care at a facility, select that location in our directory and verify the accepted plan types under "About this facility" to make sure it is available in your plan. If no plan types are listed, the facility is available for all plan types.
Medicare Members: To request a hard copy of Kaiser Permanente’s provider directory, please call our Member Services department at 1-800-232-4404, seven days a week, 8 a.m to 8 p.m. Kaiser Permanente will mail a hard copy of the provider directory to you within three (3) business days of your request. Kaiser Permanente may ask whether your request for a hard copy is a one-time request or if you are requesting to receive the provider directory in hard copy permanently.
If you request it, your request for hard copies of the provider directory remains until you leave Kaiser Permanente or request that hard copies be discontinued.
Kaiser Permanente uses the same quality, member experience, or cost-related measures to select providers and facilities in Marketplace Silver-tier plans as it does for all other Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP) products and lines of business. The measures may include, but are not limited to, HEDIS/CAHPS performance, member/patient complaints, patient safety scores, hospital quality measures, and geographic need. Members enrolled in KFHP Marketplace plans have access to all professional, institutional and ancillary health care providers who participate in KFHP plans' contracted provider network, in accordance with the terms of the members' KFHP plan of coverage. All Kaiser Permanente Medical Group physicians and network physicians are subject to the same quality review processes and certifications.
Kaiser Permanente uses the same geographic distribution consideration to select hospitals in Marketplace plans as it does for all other Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP) products and lines of business.
Information about a provider is provided to us by the provider or the provider's network, or is obtained as part of the credentialing process. Board certification may not reflect contracted services available from providers listed in our directory. If you have questions regarding this or about any of our providers, call us at 1-800-611-1811 (toll free). For the hearing and speech impaired: 1-888-865-5813 or 711 (TTY). You can also call the Georgia Composite Medical Board at 404-656-3913, or visit their website.
This page was last updated on: 03/24/2025