Your baby’s eyes are starting to open this week! While their eyes were closed, the optic nerves and retina are formed. Your baby is 13.5 inches long this week, weighs a little less than 2 pounds, and is about the size of a head of lettuce.
Your baby’s irises don’t yet have much color (pigment). The color will fill in over the next few weeks. A baby can be born with blue or gray-blue eyes that may change color within the first year after birth. If they have brown or dark-colored eyes at birth, they'll usually stay that color.
Your baby can now see inside of your uterus when their eyes are open. Their eyes will continue to develop, and by the time they are born, they will be able to see objects at a distance of 10 -12 inches. Their favorite thing to look at will be your face!
If you shine a flashlight into your pregnant belly, your baby may see it, and might kick in response.