As you age, your kidneys' ability to help your body retain water diminishes and your ability to sense thirst decreases. So, as you get older be sure to drink enough water to avoid dehydration. Along with fiber, water is important in preventing constipation.

To your health!

If you drink other liquids, you can get by with less water. (Low-fat or non-fat milk is a good choice, with the added bonus of a boost to your calcium.)

If you are concerned about overloading your bladder, drink most of your water (or other fluids) in the morning and early afternoon.

Be aware, however, that for some health problems, such as heart failure and kidney disease, you may need to limit how much water and other fluid you drink. Check with your doctor before increasing your fluid intake.

Source: Adapted from copyrighted material of Healthwise, Incorporated.

Reviewed by Tracy Lippard, MD, July 2019