Get to know telehealth

Person receiving virtual care

This 3-part series explains telehealth, including the types of care it offers and what it’s like to get care virtually at Kaiser Permanente. Up first: learning about the many ways you can get care using telehealth.

Today, getting care doesn’t just mean making an appointment and driving to the doctor’s office. In fact, many of your health needs can be handled at home with something called “telehealth” — a convenient way to get care with just your mobile device or computer.

So, the next time a fever pops up in the middle of the night, or you’re wrestling with allergies during vacation, just remember one thing: You’ve got many ways to get care — over the phone, by video, and online. After all, health happens everywhere. Care should be available when and where it works for you.

What is telehealth?

Simply put, telehealth is a way to get care in a different place than where your care team is physically located by using everyday devices, like your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. That usually means connecting with a health care professional while you’re out in the real world — backyard, park, or beach. But telehealth can happen during office visits, too, like when your doctor consults with a specialist in another room or facility.

Person connecting with health care professional from their laptop

Ways to get care using telehealth

Want to speak with a doctor? Need help figuring out what to do or who to talk to next? Telehealth makes it easy to connect to a care team and get quick answers to help you get the right care.

Here are the many ways you can get care using telehealth at Kaiser Permanente.

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24/7 virtual care
Personalized care by phone or video makes it even easier to get fast, high-quality care from a Kaiser Permanente clinician across the U.S.1 Available at no cost to members on most plans.
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Video visit
Meet with a doctor or nurse face-to-face on your mobile device or computer to get a diagnosis, treatment advice, prescriptions, and more.1

9 in 10 members in Northern California who tried a video visit would do it again.2
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Phone appointment
Talk with a doctor, specialist, or nurse over the phone. Like an office visit, they can treat many illnesses and conditions, prescribe medication, and more.1
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Use our online questionnaire to get self-care advice in the moment. If needed, a doctor or nurse will reach out to provide personalized care advice usually within a few hours.
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24/7 advice
Get on-demand support with 24/7 care advice by phone. Our health care professionals are here to help you understand your symptoms, connect to care, or get answers to common health questions.
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Use our secure message center to get answers to nonurgent health questions from your care team, or to follow up on your care plan. You’ll get a reply from your doctor or care team usually within 2 business days.

More ways to get care

Depending on where you live, you might have even more ways to get care via telehealth. Learn more at .
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Next: When to use telehealth for your care needs
See what care you can get using telehealth and which options might work best for you. Check out our second article in this series. >>


1When appropriate and available. If you travel out of state, phone appointments and video visits may not be available in select states due to licensing laws. Laws differ by state. 
2Mary E. Reed et al., “Patient–Provider Video Telemedicine Integrated With Clinical Care: Patient Experiences,” Annals of Internal Medicine, April 30, 2019.