Same Day Delivery is a delivery service that allows you to quickly receive your prescription within a few hours of placing your order.
Kaiser Permanente Washington is pleased to offer same day delivery in select geographical locations.
We try our best to deliver within a 90-minute window of your choosing. This service is available Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Orders placed outside of this window will be delivered the next morning.
Yes. There is a $10 charge per delivery, and it is not covered by insurance.
- Place order using the Same Day Delivery option
- Receive a confirmation call from a pharmacy technician
- Kaiser Permanente Washington processes your order
- A delivery driver picks up your order and delivers it to the address you provided
No. The following types of medications are not eligible for same day delivery:
- Controlled substances
- Refrigerated items
- Over-the-counter products
We currently deliver to the Seattle area, cities along the I-405 corridor, and select cities within Kitsap county.
No. The driver will take a picture of the delivery as proof of delivery.
No. You will not be required to sign for your delivery.
Our couriers have undergone a background screening and are trained to handle prescription services.
The courier will only know your name and the address where the package needs to be delivered too. All health information is protected within the tightly sealed package, and the courier will never be able to see what is inside.
For more information, call 206-630-1221
. For questions about your benefits, please call Member Services at 1-888-901-4636
Yes. We will email you as soon as Pharmacy Services finishes processing your order. We are actively working on providing better delivery tracking.