Oral care and the health of your heart
Good oral health is important for everyone. If you have heart disease, it's even more important to take care of your teeth and gums.
Bacteria form in the mouth and on the teeth throughout the day. Daily brushing and flossing reduces the bacteria; however, if left alone, bacteria can build up and increase the risk for gum disease. For people with heart disease, too much bacteria and untreated gum disease are even more risky, as bacteria from the mouth can spread through the blood stream and into the heart. This increases your risk for certain infections that could cause damage to the heart.
By protecting yourself against gum disease, you are helping take care of your heart and preventing further disease.
Be sure to get regular checkups with your dentist. At these visits, your dentist can do routine cleaning and check for signs of gum disease. Depending on your heart condition, your dentist may order antibiotics to take before your appointment as a precautionary measure.
If you haven't had a visit in the last six months, schedule a visit with your dentist soon.
Kaiser Permanente
Reviewed 05/16/2022
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