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Provider Orientation

Need a refresher from your orientation?  Review your KPCO provider orientation information.

Diversity and Cultural Competency Training Tools

If you have not completed your Diversity and Cultural Competency Training for this year, you can find the Kaiser Permanente Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tool Kit here: Diversity Equity Inclusion Toolkit

FIRST HEALTH PROVIDER NETWORK ONLY please use this template: First Health Provider Network DOI Reg 4-2-80 Responses

Once training has been completed for your group, please answer the following questions, and send to your Provider Experience Consultant.

Culturally Sensitive and Anti – Bias Questions

  • Have your providers and front office staff gone through Culturally Sensitive and Anti-Bias training?
  • # Of providers
  • # Of providers who have completed training
  • # Of Front Office Staff
  • # Of Front Office Staff that have completed training
  • Type of training (example developed by your organization, YouTube etc.)?
  • Training provided by?
  • Course duration (minutes, hours, or days)
  • Date Completed

Payers will be collecting this data on a yearly basis.

If you have questions about Regulation 4-2-80, please reference link below, OR reach out to your Provider Experience Consultant (PEC) at 1-866-866-3951.

Training Materials

The resources below are intended for providers who are contracted with Kaiser Permanente Colorado region. They provide an introduction to how processes work within our organization and include information about how to best serve our members.

Video: EOP Account Summary

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Video: EOP Recoupment Detail Report

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