Sign-On, Enroll & Register or Manage Account to access KP Online Affiliate

Provider information

smiling female physicians

Please select from our recently updated templates below and send completed information to

Please note: CONTACT UPDATES can be made in any template below.

**For a KPCO noncontracted provider claims billing/remit address update
Please send the W9 to:
Kaiser Permanente of Colorado
Claims Administration
P.O. Box 373150
Denver, CO 80237

You can search for physicians, departments, facilities, affiliated facilities, urgent care locations, and more. Just select your area and choose the way you prefer to search.

You can also narrow your results to find exactly what you need. Get phone numbers and addresses at a glance, or visit doctor and location home pages for detailed information.

Find doctors and locations near you

Through the Participating Provider Tier, Kaiser Permanente Insurance choice products in Colorado have access to providers in the First Health Provider Network.

To learn more about the First Health Credentialing process, please refer to the Credentialing Overview Policy

You may also view a list of our clinical locations and their contact information in the Section 1 and 2 Introduction and Contacts in the appropriate manual:

Fully-insured Provider Manual, Section 1 and 2 Introduction and Contacts.

Interested in joining the Kaiser Permanente network of physicians?

Please fill out and send the below information to our Interested Provider Intake box at

Must open in Google Chrome or FireFox.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a contracted provider with Kaiser Permanente.

  • Please fill out the below information. N/A any questions not applicable. If the necessary information is not received your request form will not be reviewed.
  • After submitting a completed request form, a Provider Experience Consultant will have your request form reviewed.
  • Status updates will be directed to the contact email address given.
    • If form/application is approved to be added to the Network: A CONGRATULATIONS! Email will be sent along with the Combined New Practitioner and New Office template. To be emailed to the assigned contact. Please filled out and returned for provider demographics/contracting/credentialing processing.
    • If form/application is declined: Provider/Group information will be saved on file along with an email stating reason of decline.
  • You will not be able to re-apply for 365 days from date of your request below.

If you are a behavioral health provider in Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Canon City or Northern Colorado or surrounding areas and would like to join the Kaiser Permanente Colorado network, please contact Carelon Behavioral Health (formally Beacon Health Options) at 1-800-397-1630.

Interested in joining the 2024 Kaiser Permanente PPO Network of Physicians?

We are currently accepting emails (only) from Providers/Groups that are interested in joining the 2024 Kaiser PPO Network of Physicians. If interested, please send an email of interest to

  • Your information will be reviewed for network need by specialty/services (as needed for future state).
  • Based on future service need, your information will be forwarded to the appropriate Contract Manager to outreach with additional information and or next steps, if applicable.

Please include the following information along with a contract representative (CR) or third-party entity (TPE) to handle contract negotiations, if applicable:

  • Interested Provider/Group Name:
  • Interested Provider/Group Tax ID:
  • Interested Provider/Group NPI:
  • Contact/CR/TPE Name:
  • Contact/CR/TPE Email:
  • Contact/CR/TPE phone number:
  • Practice Specialty/Services:

Thank you for your interest in Kaiser CO-PPO Network


Visiting Member Brochure

Visiting Member Guidelines

The Kaiser Permanente Principles of Responsibility  (POR) is the code of conduct for KP physicians, employees and contractors working KP facilities in their daily work environment.
CPMG extends those affiliate providers that it credentials the same fair hearing rights as extended to CPMG members in the case of an adverse action for quality of care that may be reportable to the NPDB. These fair hearing rights are described herein.
Learn how providers can register to receive ADT notifications  per requirements of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Conditions of Participation.

See link below for specific changes:

21 07 28 CO Expansion Work

We need your help with our reporting requirements. If you are taking care of Kaiser Permanente patients and are aware of their deceased status, it is important you report this information back to Kaiser Permanente. You can do so by calling the Appointment and Advice Contact Center at 303-338-4545 or 1-800-218-1059, any time day or night. You may report this information to a call center agent who will chart the member's information as deceased. Thank you for your help and cooperation with this effort.

Clinical Guidelines

Expand your knowledge and enhance patient care

Kaiser Permanente's Clinical Library provides clinical reference materials for providers, including: guidelines, drug information, member education, textbooks, journal references and much more. Access anywhere, anytime via the web or mobile app.

Sign on to Clinical Library

Manager your account

You will need a NUID (National User ID) to access Clinical Library. If you do not have one, use the link below to request one or to manage your account and passwords.

Manage your account

Have a question about signing on to Clinical Library?
Contact Jonathan Sweeney ( or 303-283-2506.

Provider Manuals

These provider manuals are a guide for contracted Network Providers to use when interacting with Kaiser Permanente of Colorado. They are intended to augment their contract and provide explanations of how processes work within our organization.

The content of these manuals is proprietary and should not be copied or shared with persons or providers that are non-contracted with Kaiser Permanente.

The Kaiser Permanente Affiliated Provider Manual contains guidelines and useful information for the contracted Network Providers of the Colorado region.

The Kaiser Permanente Affiliated Provider Manual is a guide for contracted Network Providers to use when interacting with Kaiser Permanente of Colorado. It is intended to augment the Network Provider contract and provide explanations of how processes work, including Self Funded, within our organization.

The content of this manual is proprietary and should not be copied or shared with persons or providers that are non-contracted with Kaiser Permanente.

You may access our Provider Manual in two ways:

By mail: To request a copy of the Provider Manual via U.S. mail, please contact your Provider Representative at 1-866-866-3951.

Self Funded Information: Please contact Self Funded Customer Service at 1-866-213-3062.

Sections 1 & 2: Introduction and Key Contacts
Section 3: Member Eligibility and Benefits Determination and Product Descriptions
Section 4: Utilization Management
Section 5: Billing and Payment
Section 6: Provider Rights and Responsibilities
Section 7: Member Rights and Responsibilities
Section 8: Quality Oversite and Improvement
Section 9: Compliance

The Provider Code of Conduct  highlights some provisions in the provider agreement as well as the minimum standards by which providers are expected to conduct themselves when serving Kaiser Permanente members and patients.

Provider Insider Newsletter

Our newsletters for Kaiser Permanente network providers offer timely information for practitioners and office managers, including updates about new programs and services.