New Update: As of 9/1/2020, Claim Status can only be obtained through one of our self-service tools.
Sign-on or Register to access KP Online Affiliate, or view claim status as a guest user.
Electronic Claims Submissions, Payments (EFT) and Remits
We’re making changes to improve your EFT/ERA enrollment!
Kaiser Permanente is in the process of moving electronic funds transfer and electronic remittance advice (EFT/ERA) enrollments to a new portal.
Once the new portal is active, this page will be updated with links and instructions. The tentative date range for implementation is January 20-February 21, 2022.
Please check back to this website for updated information. Until then, if you have questions or concerns, please contact EDIsupport@kp.org
Thank you. We look forward to enrolling you in EFT/ERA.
EDI Trading Partners
We encourage you to submit your claims electronically. Our EDI Trading Partners, and Payer ID’s are listed below:
Clearing house |
Northern CA |
SouthernCA |
Hawaii |
Georgia | Northwest |
Mid-Atlantic |
Colorado |
Office Ally https://cms.officeally.com |
94135 | 94134 | 94123 | 21313 | NW002 | 52095 | 91617 |
Navicure https://www.waystar.com/ |
N/A | N/A | N/A | 21313 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Availity (formerly REALMED) www.availity.com |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
SSI http://thessigroup.com |
NKAISERCA | SKAISERCA | 94123 | 21313 | SS002 | 52095 | 999990273 |
Trizetto | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Zirmed | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Relay Health Alternate IDs |
RH009 94135 KS003 |
94134 KS001 |
RH0011 94123 |
RH008 21313 NG010 |
RH002 93079 NG009 |
RH010 NG008 |
RH003 91617 COKSR |
Claims tools
Claims submission through Office Ally Direct Data Entry (DDE) Solution.
- Learn more about free claims submission through Office Ally DDE Solution
- Submit claims electronically and receive confirmation immediately
- Correct failed claims directly on website
- Convenient, secure, and HIPAA compliant
- 24/7 access from anywhere with an internet connection
Register for Office Ally DDE Solution
Video Overview of Office Ally DDE Solution
Online submission of disputes, appeals and supporting claim documents
We are excited to share with you a new Online Affiliate feature that allows you to upload claim related documents. This new functionality will allow you to take the following action on a claim:
- File a Dispute (appealing/disputing claim decisions). Select this option if you are requesting reconsideration of payment.
- Respond to a Request for Information (RFI) by allowing the upload of Kaiser requested documents. Select this option if you have received a letter or EOP denial for additional information.
- Submit Supporting Documentation. Select this option if you have submitted a claim that you know will require supportive documents.
Sign on or Register to access KP Online Affiliate and start using this feature today!
Claims procedures
For information about submitting claims to us, please download our claims procedures guidelines♦, which includes information about:
- billing procedures
- "clean claim" requirements
- coding standards
- our multiple-procedure reimbursement policy
- Medicare billing
- the provider payment-dispute process
For information about how to submit claims for self-funded members, download our claims procedures located in our Self-funded provider manual♦.
Are you filing claims or receiving claim payments electronically? Kaiser Permanente’s Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Suite is designed to save you time and money.
Email the EDI team
If you are interested in enrolling to submit EDI or are having issues related to EDI submissions (EDI claim rejection, missing claim, etc.), click send email to EDI Support:
Send email to EDI Support
The Kaiser Permanente EDI Suite consists of:
Electronic Claim Submission (837) – Send claims electronically for faster, cleaner submissions and more rapid adjudication. Save time, postage, and paper resources.
Electronic Remittance (835) – Receive payment information faster. Save time with automatic posting of payments.
Automatic Claim Status Notification (277U) – Receive automatic claim status notification upon receipt and every 14 days until the claim is released. No more having to call to obtain claim status.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) – Receive payments within 48 hours of a check cycle. No more lost checks.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) set up
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) set up is easy:
- If you have an EDI vendor, contact them and enable electronic remittances for:
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States
Payor ID: 52095 - If you do not have an EDI vendor, contact one of these available vendors:
Relay Health
866-RELAY-ME (866-735-2963)
Office Ally
ReaLMed Corporation
877-REALMED (877-732-5633)
3. Complete the Request for EFT application♦ and mail it to:
Kaiser Permanente
Provider Contracting & Network Management
EFT Coordinator
2101 East Jefferson Street
Rockville, Maryland 20849
Disputes and appeals
Claims disputes
Member appeals
Claims disputes
You may now submit online disputes or appeals online via the Online Affiliate portal. Sign-On or register to access KP Online Affiliate and start using this feature today!
If you disagree with the handling of a claim, you should first call Member Services at 301-468-6000 to inquire about the claim. In most cases, they will be able to answer your questions and resolve any issues you may have.
For further information on fully-funded claims, please refer to the Fully-funded provider manual.
For information on self-funded claims, call 1-877-740-4117.
Member appeals
Members have the right to file a grievance or appeal when they disagree with the Health Plan's decision not to authorize necessary medical services or not to pay for a claim.
Download our appeals policy for members♦, which outlines the appeals process and provides contact information.
For further information on fully-funded appeals, please refer to the Fully-funded provider manual.
♦You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read this file.
Please note: This PDF will open in a new window. If you can't view this PDF, please make sure that you've disabled any pop-up blockers on your computer.
ICD-10 information
Kaiser Permanente is fully compliant with the legal requirements put forth by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the ICD-10 mandate. As of October 1, 2015, we began processing claims submitted with ICD-10 codes for dates of service (outpatient) or dates of discharge (inpatient) on or after October 1, 2015.
ICD-10 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
For more information about KP’s ICD-10 authorizations and referrals policy, please see the KP Authorization and Referrals FAQ.
ICD-10 Claims Submission Rules
Kaiser Permanente has chosen to adopt CMS' EDI guidelines for ICD-10, specifically for claims that span the implementation deadline. Please see MLN Matters® Number: SE1408 Revised for specific instructions.
Important contacts
ICD-10 contacts
If, after reviewing KP’s ICD-10 Readiness FAQs, you still have questions related to KP’s ICD-10 implementation, please send an e-mail to: ICD10-Information@kp.org.
Useful ICD-10 links
For additional ICD-10 information, you may refer to these useful links from the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):