About Me

I was born in Cali, Colombia and raised in upstate New York. My wife’s home state of Hawaii has proven to be a wonderful place to call home and an even lovelier environment for raising our two daughters.

About my practice

My desire to help people motivated me to become a doctor. As an internal medicine physician, I love being able to care for patients as a whole and treat them comprehensively. I also enjoy the challenge of diagnosing diseases that I may not have seen firsthand before, but have learned about in the past. I feel fortunate to work within the Hawaii Permanente Medical Group because of the support and accessibility my colleagues and I provide to each other. The ability to collaborate with specialists and subspecialists allows me to help my patients to the extent that they want to be helped and are active in their own care. My patients’ health is my priority and I strive to see them reach their health goals. I love to discover new things about my patients. From their first visit with me, I enjoy hearing what their favorite hobbies are, and use that information as the foundation of our relationship. In addition to working in internal medicine, I assisted in the formation of the Diabetes Care Program here at Kaiser Permanente Hawaii and also perform preventive colon cancer screenings part-time.

How I thrive

I am a big fan of aerobic exercise. In addition to running or bike-riding four days a week, I also participate in 5K runs and organized bike rides. I have successfully completed eight marathons and five Tinman Triathalons. My more mellow methods of relaxation are my annual ski trips, cooking and doing house repairs, which I find genuinely fun.